You have Wonder Woman's lasso...

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Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies
You have one opportunity to ask anyone in the world a question, and they have to answer truthfully. Who and what do you ask? If your question is too personal, feel free to substitute your second or third (or tenth!) option instead.

I think I would ask Obama why he has gone to such lengths to conceal all his academic records, even back to kindergarten. What's in there that he feels the need to hide from the public?
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OMG - before I even got to your answer, the FIRST thing that popped into my head was to ask Barry about that darn birth certificate! :D

I know that makes me a "birther", but whatever. Surge is 110% correct. Barry and his team of lawyers have gone to great lengths to keep his past hidden. Even if you let go of the REAL birth certificate issue, yes, the secrecy of the academic records would answer all the questions. Only logic would dictate that if he had nothing damning to conceal, they would have been made public. They must show that he was in fact a foreign student. I don't care how bad or good of a president he is, as long as he has been in the office LEGALLY! In my opinion, if it ever comes to light that he was not eligible for the office due to not being a legal citizen, I am going to be really ticked off at what he put the country through, and 100% of his actions while in office should immediately be made null and void.
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OMG - before I even got to your answer, the FIRST thing that popped into my head was to ask Barry about that darn birth certificate! :D

I know that makes me a "birther", but whatever. Surge is 110% correct. Barry and his team of lawyers have gone to great lengths to keep his past hidden. Even if you let go of the REAL birth certificate issue, yes, the secrecy of the academic records would answer all the questions. Only logic would dictate that if he had nothing damning to conceal, they would have been made public. They must show that he was in fact a foreign student. I don't care how bad or good of a president he is, as long as he has been in the office LEGALLY! In my opinion, if it ever comes to light that he was not eligible for the office due to not being a legal citizen, I am going to be really ticked off at what he put the country through, and 100% of his actions while in office should immediately be made null and void.
I agree. If it's ever proven he has been in office illegally, everything he signed into law should be voided because he wouldn't have had the legal authority to hold the office. Honestly, though, I'm pretty sure Obama could hold a press conference and confess that he was actually born in Italy, and no one in Congress would have the balls to ask for his resignation.
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I agree. If it's ever proven he has been in office illegally, everything he signed into law should be voided because he wouldn't have had the legal authority to hold the office. Honestly, though, I'm pretty sure Obama could hold a press conference and confess that he was actually born in Italy, and no one in Congress would have the balls to ask for his resignation.
Yeah, or knowing his ego, he would just create an executive order condemning the racist, "non-inclusive" requirements to be US President, and thereby grant himself amnesty and qualification for the office. :rolleyes:
As long as we're keeping it to politics, I would ask Dick Cheney if 911 was an inside job. I mean, I know it was, but I would just want to hear it from him and I would be videotaping the whole thing.
I agree. If it's ever proven he has been in office illegally, everything he signed into law should be voided because he wouldn't have had the legal authority to hold the office. .

While I agree with you, not gonna happen. Remember when Bush was declared the winner of the Presidential race (as opposed to actually winning by votes)?* It was the wet dream of us libs at the time that he would be removed from office and everything he signed into law be reversed. Soooo...we can I am no fan of Obama, but it's not gonna happen.

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While I agree with you, not gonna happen. Remember when Bush was declared the winner of the Presidential race (as opposed to actually winning by votes)?* It was the wet dream of us libs at the time that he would be removed from office and everything he signed into law be reversed. Soooo...we can I am no fan of Obama, but it's not gonna happen.

It definitely isn't going to happen to him while he's in office, but it will be interesting once he's out of office and has nothing to lose per se, if it will be "discovered". He'd be like, "Oops, my bad. What are ya' gonna' do about it now?"
While I agree with you, not gonna happen. Remember when Bush was declared the winner of the Presidential race (as opposed to actually winning by votes)?* It was the wet dream of us libs at the time that he would be removed from office and everything he signed into law be reversed. Soooo...we can I am no fan of Obama, but it's not gonna happen.

No, it wouldn't happen. Something like that would cause a Constitutional crisis, I'm afraid. So it would just be swept under the rug.
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