Would you rather...

Forward. Although I'm a huge history buff, I've never been one to look back on my own life. I'm a look ahead type, more mindful of where I (and my loved ones) are going, not where we've been. As I told my daughter years ago, "You can't change the past, but you can affect your future."
I am with you on this, although I do love history. It would be so fun to see what life is like in the future and see what effect if any I had made. Of course, I hope there is a future... if all we see is nothingness, well...
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Would You Rather Go Into The Past And Meet Your Ancestors Or Go Into The Future And Meet Your Great-Great Grandchildren?​

Are you more interested in where your DNA came from or what direction it's going?​
If only I had the choice! I have no children and at this point probably never will and it's my greatest regret. But I would like to go into the past and meet my ancestors. I have a family tree on my mothers side going back a few hundred years, but it's just names. I'd love to meet them and find out what they were like as real people. I'm descended from both the British and Ottoman empires, both of which did terrible things, but I would like to know that my ancestors had no part in them. It would be good to know if there were any story tellers (perhaps even writers) or musicians or artists or just people who could hold court in some old ale house or coffee den entertaining a crowd. Go far enough back and there may have been people who came from Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria who read and wrote in it's library, druids, medieval minstrels or fools, wizards, subversives, maybe someone who millions of years ago made peace with another tribe, or a later ancestor was brewing beer in ancient Sumeria... So many lives and all of them leading to me. It's humbling. I'd like to meet some of them.
I would rather go into the future. I honestly think things are getting better and the future will be amazing. The 21st Century is a bit make-or-break, but I think that we are already in the process of "make". I think the hindsight of history tells us that we have also been hovering on the edge of calamity so often in the past that whatever problems we have now, at least we have the tools to face it. As to seeing my great great grandchildren, hmmm... that sounds like an alternate reality unfortunately.
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I would rather go into the future. I honestly think things are getting better and the future will be amazing. The 21st Century is a bit make-or-break, but I think that we are already in the process of "make". I think the hindsight of history tells us that we have also been hovering on the edge of calamity so often in the past that whatever problems we have now, at least we have the tools to face it. As to seeing my great great grandchildren, hmmm... that sounds like an alternate reality unfortunately.
I like a man that sees the glass half full, I am tired of the "no hope" people who keep predicting the end of the world. Let's hope we cross the demarcation line into not killing off the planet and move forward.
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