Woman uses intuition to find lost objects


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Woman Tracks Lost People in Her Dreams, Finds Lost Objects With Intuition

Grace Lark* is an environmental lawyer by trade, and a leading expert in that field. But she also upholds justice with strange abilities to intuitively find lost objects and return them to their owners, and to find lost people by tracking them in her dreams.

Actually, these abilities aren’t so “strange” if viewed through the lens of Native American culture, she said.
“In the dominant Western culture, objects and nature are inanimate,” Lark said. “My indigenous friends, however, see the world with far different eyes. In a world where nature communicates, the dead can intervene, and objects have powers, then the absence of what we call ‘coincidences’ is almost startling.”

Lark was in an antiques mall. She has an interest in Native American artifacts (she was an archaeologist before turning to environmental law), and loves to rummage for treasures.

She was in a store in the basement of the mall, and in a dark corner a crate sat on the cement floor. In the crate was a photograph of a Native American with war paint on his face and a beaded medallion. Her heart raced when she looked at it.

In her mind, she thought of a powerful Native American man she knows. She asked if she should bring the photo to him. She felt the answer, “No.” Instead, another friend of hers came to mind.

She showed this friend the photo. It was of his twin brother who had died in Germany during World War 2.
The photo belonged to his sister, but it was taken from her. Her ex-husband had stolen many of her belongings and said he destroyed them. This photo was among the things she thought she’d lost forever.
Recovering this photo through such a “coincidence,” the woman felt as though her brother had returned. “I don’t know that she knew how to grieve,” Lark said. The photo helped her grieve.

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I need this talent to keep track of my car keys, phone and glasses lol
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