Wish or prayer


Nov 14, 2020
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Have you ever had that when you wished or prayed for something it soon became reality? For example, i sometimes have that when I wished for rain or a storm on a cloudy evening, it quickly became reality.
Could be a coincidence of cource.

Please let me know if something similar happens to you :)
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That's manifesting by intention.

There have been mass intention experiments on many things, including weather, that appear to work.
This reminded me of a memory.

One day I was standing on the front porch of my house, waiting for my brother to arrive so that we could go to a family event. He was late, and I wanted to sit down on the top step but the porch was made of concrete slab, and was of course somewhat dirty. Since I was wearing my nice dress, I didn't want to sit there. I lived on the third floor of this house and remembered that I had left a newspaper on the kitchen table. I lamented not grabbing a sheet to bring with me, and didn't want to go all the way upstairs to grab one. I was thinking about that, when a sheet of newspaper drifted around the corner of the house and landed right in front of me!
This thread brought to mind something I heard my second grade teacher, Sister Joseph Anna, say in class. "God answers every prayer, but we have to accept sometimes the answer is 'no'."
This thread brought to mind something I heard my second grade teacher, Sister Joseph Anna, say in class. "God answers every prayer, but we have to accept sometimes the answer is 'no'."
A very good point to make, as I often remember that by His "no", better things have come my way instead of what I thought I wanted.
This reminded me of a memory.

One day I was standing on the front porch of my house, waiting for my brother to arrive so that we could go to a family event. He was late, and I wanted to sit down on the top step but the porch was made of concrete slab, and was of course somewhat dirty. Since I was wearing my nice dress, I didn't want to sit there. I lived on the third floor of this house and remembered that I had left a newspaper on the kitchen table. I lamented not grabbing a sheet to bring with me, and didn't want to go all the way upstairs to grab one. I was thinking about that, when a sheet of newspaper drifted around the corner of the house and landed right in front of me!
It’s these type of things that remind me that God or the universe is always listening and cares even about the small stuff.
The snow thing reminded me to remind you all that we have to take our thoughts captive, because the thing that we fear can come upon us. Belief and intention work in both directions.
I was actually thinking about snow a few short weeks ago and lo and behold.....we got it as did half the country.
The same in the Netherlands, I wouldn't know why I would let it snow, rain or thunder. It's more a must rather than a request for a white Christmas or something. Do you also experience it that way?