What are your favorite comedies of all time?

From the Golden Age of slap stick to modern day, what cha got?
I am about to tick off every male here...lol

I don't like slapstick, The Three Stooges, or any of the "guy" comedy movies. Not even an Abbot and Costello fan. Don't care for Steve Martin (don't be mad, Paint) or that type of over the top humor.

Clean and subtle humor, please.
Oh, I LOVE slapstick! I also like subtler forms of humor, but slapstick that is well done is something that I have loved since childhood. One favorite movie that comes to mind, is "What's Up Doc?" with Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neil. I also like the 3 Stooges, and movies like Blazing Saddles, "Young Frankenstein," and "High Anxiety."
A pie in the face and the after shock reaction never gets old. Anyone ever throw a pie in some one's face in real life ? I know many have smashed a piece of wedding cake in their spouses face.
'In the Sweet Pie and Pie' was their pie throwing shorts. Looks like all involved had A LOT of fun.