Were there Ancient Civilizations we don't know about?

I have had conversations with ppl who are close minded about ancient civilizations and I always say this one thing to them that always get them thinking. How would you know what was around when you weren't even thought of know your parents nor their parents what took place thousand years ago how could anybody discounted if they were not around to see it.
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I have had conversations with ppl who are close minded about ancient civilizations and I always say this one thing to them that always get them thinking. How would you know what was around when you weren't even thought of know your parents nor their parents what took place thousand years ago how could anybody discounted if they were not around to see it.
Turning that statement around, we also have to ask what evidence is there to support it?
It's great to speculate, but most archaeologists will tell you they need some proof to make a true determination. Open minds with, once again, theories are wonderful to think about, but the true question is where do we find valid evidence of these past civilizations? It doesn't mean there weren't any, but evidence other than verbal stories handed down is all we really currently have to go on.
Turning that statement around, we also have to ask what evidence is there to support it?
It's great to speculate, but most archaeologists will tell you they need some proof to make a true determination. Open minds with, once again, theories are wonderful to think about, but the true question is where do we find valid evidence of these past civilizations? It doesn't mean there weren't any, but evidence other than verbal stories handed down is all we really currently have to go on.

Very good point Debi
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Turning that statement around, we also have to ask what evidence is there to support it?
It's great to speculate, but most archaeologists will tell you they need some proof to make a true determination. Open minds with, once again, theories are wonderful to think about, but the true question is where do we find valid evidence of these past civilizations? It doesn't mean there weren't any, but evidence other than verbal stories handed down is all we really currently have to go on.
Yes, very true. But also, many things that were discovered are kept secret to not scare the human species or shake the people up from the trance they’ve put us in, and the many lies we’ve been told about religions and history. Most of the history that’s known to people is only half of the truth.
The article reminds me of the tv series that was on Discovery Channel (I think) for a few years called 'Life After People' and it talked about all the things that would simply stop because of us being gone.

I do believe in ancient history, but as Debi has stated, we need more than merely word of mouth to get to the heart of these civilizations. Where they lived, for how long, etc. I'm more fascinated with the ancient past than I am with more recent history. I read a lot of historical fiction and while, yes, it is fiction, it's often based on facts that we do know and filled in with information that makes sense in the context of what's being told. One of my favorites is a book called Stonehenge. ;)
Yes, very true. But also, many things that were discovered are kept secret to not scare the human species or shake the people up from the trance they’ve put us in, and the many lies we’ve been told about religions and history. Most of the history that’s known to people is only half of the truth.
Half is too generous; we can never know that much! But there's no need even for a cover-up... Most of everything that ever happens, happens and then ends and any ripples it may cause fade out and are lost. We only have a fraction of the books ever written, because nobody cared to recopy them. It's not over now. I don't know about anybody else, but I've tried to find books or TV shows or songs I used to like and found them just gone, out of print. They weren't popular enough and so they just disappear. Even things that were liked at the time.
And how much of their lives do people even write down? If they can write. We know who ruled where except when we don't and about some wars a bit apart from the stories of most of those involved and we have 1% of books (or less). It's like a skeleton with missing bits.

Also, who do you mean by 'they' in this case? Different people have different thems and I don't know you well enough to know who you mean.
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As for the past, the earliest detailed writing that we have from Suma already refers to a past mythical time. Nothing is new! There must have been earlier civilisation. I'd love to read the prequels!
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Also, who do you mean by 'they' in this case? Different people have different thems and I don't know you well enough to know who you mean.

I want to know too Benway. I think this they and them thing is getting out of hand. These two seem to be the apex of a lot of craziness lately. No one seems to want or need anything for validation on any opinion on any subject -- but They and Them. I love a good healthy discussion/debate but it really no fun anymore because of these two. There is no critical thinking going. You can't argue a point that is a non-point. You can't discuss an issue that these two dominate. It drives me crazy. But everyone else seems very excited to have one or the other or both - as the new norm of what's what.

I know this is not really all that new. I remember in 9th grade (way back there in the mist) my English teacher giving a lecture about these two and flunking any paper using either/or on said paper.
I didn’t watch the video it wasn’t loading right for me. However, this is something that I have thought about a lot. First off in what is called science these days isn’t as much about the truth as it is about personalities and financing. Someone that proposes a theory that is outside of the current accepted theories is attacked like a germ introduced into a vial of white blood cells.

Generally, an entire generation of professors have to die before there can be any change. Archology, anthropology and paleontology seem to be especially affected by this problem. Over and over they have even stooped to flat out lies and fabrications. The Piltdown Man was a fraud done in response to the actual discoveries and theories that indicted that man had evolved and come out of Africa. A gorilla fossil was made into the Piltdown Man with the head of a Neanderthal and presented as a new discovery and proof that man instead evolved in Europe.

The exact same thing is where out much-loved Brontosaurus came from. Parts of two fossils of known dinosaurs that were discovered in two different places were put together and presented as a new dinosaur. The discoverer was in competition with another guy and wanted to discover the bigger Dino for his museums collection. Honestly, they have even started destroying evidence found if it contradicts the favored theories. So, it isn’t surprising that even, possibly especially, in academic circles that the Noo birds are there and vocal.

Had to get that off my chest first. Now, the existence of past civilizations exists all over the world. It exists in the oral histories and religious teachings of most religions. There is also a problem that is seldom discussed in the evolution of the knowledge base and building techniques of many well-known civilizations. All to often the building techniques of many areas don’t show a learning curve. You don’t START with building huge massive structures.

The reason for this is mostly ignored even if it is known. At the point in time some eleven to twelve thousand years ago the ice age was ending. The ocean levels were somewhere between four and six hundred feet lower…and then the ice started to melt.

Then as now most of the major civilizations were probably in coastal areas and one rivers often near the ocean outlets. There were places like the Mediterranean basin and the Persian Gulf that were more like big rich river valleys than inland seas. The Great Flood that you find in the histories all over the world was what you get when a LOT of ice melts and the oceans rise several hundred feet all over the world.

Some of this was probably a slow rise but then there would also be sudden huge floods in areas that were below the new sea level and in a sort of bowl. When the water started over the side it would fills that bowl up fast. This could have been how things happened in the Mediterranean when the Gibraltar strait collapsed.

These civilizations were most likely very advanced in a lot of areas but still mostly early metal age and animal powered. When the centers of their civilizations were destroyed much of their technology went with it. Think for a moment between the difference between the heavily urban areas and the mostly agricultural areas even now.

What we have left of these civilizations were the small towns and the memories. There was most likely a long period of chaos as the cultures collapsed and then, maybe a generation or two later they would start to gather and build again.
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