War of the Gods and UAPs

this is how i look at the current description of this topic also in a lot of ways.... interdimesional and "alien" are two different things.... i agree that if these are interdimensional they are of the spirit realm...and quite possibly have a lot of people fooled, or tricked by the possibilities they believe they can control..
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Call them what you want, it all goes back to the war in heaven and the fallen angels in my humble opinion. The more we look into this topic the closer we get to the original explanation in the bible. This was a very long article but worth reading. I do not disparage others with different opinions on the topic at all. We may well be being visited by other planets from other galaxies and life may exist out there, but that does not exclude the entities that are interfering in our lives that are of an interdimensional nature. It is scary to think we might be failing the test of the creator.