Unfortunate names??

My brother dislikes his and and prefers to be called by his middle name instead. I almost have kind of a love/hate relationship with my own first name myself largely in part because of the numerous nicknames I had growing up and even into adulthood. Some people have an overwhelming capacity to be a little annoying even though it's in good fun.
I worked as a locksmith and our Chubb Rep was called Mike Lever. His car numberplate was '5 Lever' - which is funny if you are a locksmith.
I was trained by the owner of Churchill Safes, and it was a standing joke that his first name was Winston. He was Winston Churchill.

My Wife went to school with a girl who was called Tuesday Knight. And ended up in nursing alongside a doctor Payne.
Also worked and shook hands with a Doctor Harold Shipman, but that is another story.
Ohhh that poor girl!
Yeah,garnets post about school reminded me about this.I remember she had just moved to Oz and didn't speak much English.I remember she was pretty cool so everyone liked her,not just the boys,lol.
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Normal name in America, but not in Britain... I had a friend who was born here but moved to the states and her bosses name was Randy Dicks. She had a really hard time trying not to laugh at her boss, since over here, randy means 'horny'.
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I worked for many years with a man whose name is John Offutt, who preferred to be called Jack. He loved to see people smile when he was introduced.
Hahahaa I had to say that one and then blushed lol
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I’m sure I’ve heard some but at the moment my mind is a blank. Thanks for my morning giggles.
Debi & I knew Dr. Bills.
Doctor Payne lives down my street.
In grade school there were twins named Romulus and Roman. ( I hope they became pro wrestlers.)

Sheldon's were always called Shelly.
Nelson- Nelly
One kid tried to hide his French pronunciation of Andre Du Bois and was Andy DuBoyz. ( it would be decades before anyone put a ' z ' at the end of their rap name.)

I did work for a James St. James. And I remember he drove a British car.