UFO's and Angel Hair

I had an encounter with angel hair back around 1975 in a country setting near Danville, CA. I worked for a company that moved to a new business complex that was built "out in the boonies" in the midst of cow pastures. One morning, while driving to work, I came upon masses of white filmy strands. All about the same 3-foot length and about an inch or two in diameter. They covered the road and the countryside as far as I could see, dangled from trees and fences, etc.

They melted away to nothing after a few seconds of handling them. My fellow employees all saw them and one tacked one up on a bulletin board but it soon disappeared. The next day the local newspaper said they were the webs of "parachute spiders" that had become entangled together. But, they were all the same diameter and there was not a single spider to be seen in any of them. And, I've never seen a spider web disappear on its own.
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