Time machines (Mike Marcum is mentioned)


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Bizarre Cases of Inter-Dimensional Doorway Devices and Time Machines | Mysterious Universe

In modern times we have been learning about our universe and developing our technology at a staggering pace, to the point that science fiction has had a hard time staying ahead of the game. One area that seems as if it might one day be within our grasp are the well-worn science fiction tropes of inter-dimensional travel and journeys through time. Although this seems as if travel through time and dimensions must surely still be a far off fantasy there have been numerous cases of people and organizations who claim to have done just this, opening doorways through worlds and time itself to stretch past the boundaries of what we know about our universe.

Quite a few outlandish experiments have been reported by a researcher of anti-gravity and free energy by the name of Jerry W. Decker, who has done a great amount of research into dimensional shifts and is director of a website devoted to it called KeelyNet. Decker maintained that it was possible to create a dimensional vortex or time machine by tinkering with the frequencies of the location, or what he refers to as an energy ‘signature’ for that location, which would create enough stress to open a rift in the fabric of time and space. Decker has apparently really given this a lot of thought, and takes it very seriously.

He basically says that he believes that travel between two parallel dimensions and even through time itself is possible under laboratory conditions with the right application of technology, and he claims that this has perhaps already happened, citing several cases he has come across. One bizarre case he brings up in an article called Dimensional Shifts is that of a man named Mike Marcum, of Missouri, in the United States, who in 1995 seems to have invented an actual working time machine, or at least a machine that makes people disappear real good. Marcum, who claimed to have worked on the Philadelphia Experiment, allegedly stole six 300-pound power company transformers in order to make his time machine, which he purportedly planned to use in order to derive the winning numbers of a lottery and exploit them to his financial advantage.

In October of 1996 he was reportedly evicted from his apartment in Missouri for “various electrical misadventures,” after which he moved to Nevada to continue his off-the-wall project, calling a radio show at one point to claim that he was 30 days from completing his invention. He then supposedly built his machine on schedule and went about testing it with animals. He first placed a live cat in the center of the array and it vanished into thin air, after which he used a goat with the same effect. Apparently this was good enough evidence for him that it worked, and he experimented with himself, seemingly not considering that the animals could just as well have been completely vaporized as travelled through time. Whatever the case may be, Marcum then allegedly tried out the machine on himself and “disappeared into another dimension, never to return again.”

Full story at site. And as we all know, Marcum is alive and living and a member of this forum.
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And yes, I did reach out to the author to let him know the facts on Mike.
The author, Brent Swancer, was very appreciative of the correct info. A very nice guy! He will be making a correction to the story.
This is a pic by Mike Marcum of what his "time machine" was like.

13329593_231577557227576_2267327577968298142_o (Small).jpg
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Here's that update!
Update- Since writing this it has come to my attention that the would-be time traveler Mike Marcum did not in fact disappear to never be heard from again and is indeed a real person. Debi Smith of paranormal forum.net has informed me that Marcum is a member of the forum, that he contacted Art Bell in 2015, and that he currently resides in Hawaii (so, another dimension then!). He apparently still very much continues his time travel research, having launched a failed Kickstarter campaign for it, and has all manner of charts and diagrams on how it works. I will let you know if I find out anything else.

Good article, though! I quite like Brent Swancer's pieces over there.
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"Each spatial (and possibly TEMPORAL) location, no matter what dimension it resides in, has a specific coordinate, referenced by a combination of frequencies that equate to the ‘signature’ for that location. These are nested frequencies – like bubbles within bubbles – because they are all standing waves produced by 180 degree phase conjugation.

If a modulation – representing a specific ‘signature’/coordinate – is imposed on this stress field, then a portal is opened to that location. My concept is that a resonance is established between these two locations (there can be more), i.e. the physical-spatial location and the artificially created image."

Sounds like an attempt to describe sympathetic magic in sciencey terms!

Also, regarding Mike Marcum that his story seems to have been an inspiration for the plot of season 1 of Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency! So, one more reason for forum members to watch that beyond it being really good. :eek:
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Thanks for the updates, Debi and Benway. We can credit Armand for letting Michael Marcum know about the paranormal forum. He signs in from time to time to let us know where he is and what he is up to. He was last here in October according to PNF records.
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