They Ate What....??

Corn Bread
Gravy of any kind
Any Hot/Cream of Anything Cereal

The cornbread here was prepared on a stove top in a cast iron skillet. The overall crust got very hard after the cornbread cooled, the underlying bread was coarse and dry. My Dad would break up day or more old cornbread in a bowl, pour milk (or buttermilk) over it and eat it like cereal.
ah skillet bread...for obvious reasons

What foods, or combinations of foods, do you remember your parents or grandparents eating that you just couldn't/wouldn't eat? How about foods you love that your children or grandchildren won't touch?
One food I'd like to bring back is Baked Alaska. Every year my brother and I ask for it for our birthdays and every year mom says no. It may be better as a memory but oh it was good peppermint ice cream with fudge and meringe that has been toasted good.. The hollandaise bananas I can pass on as well as Miracle Whip barf
Most of what my late grandparents ate grew on me over time. The one thing that didn't quite catch me was turnip greens. Everything else, however, did. Nothing could beat a homecooked meal at the time and still now. Butter beans. Fried Okra. Cornbread. A roast that's cooked for so long it's falling apart. Rice. Fresh cut string beans.
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