They are watching your meds


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I had a unique experience I want to share with you. I sent my son, as usual to drive through the pickup at the pharmacy for my meds the other day. Instead of the normal pay and go, he was informed that an important message be given to me, the patient.

My son said, "Give her a call." Nope, said the pharmecy tech, who handed him the bag of meds with the writing on it in bold large letters "Patient not compliant with taking meds. 66% compliancy rating! Speak with patient and counsel on proper usage."

My son was then lectured that his mother was not taking her medication as prescribed and could be in jeopardy of her life if she did not take them as instructed.

My son came home frantic. The bag, had he picked it up in store, would have announced this to anyone. I happened to have extra of this particular drug, as I've been on and off the script several times, so had about a week and a half extra and didn't order it in at it's normal time, NOT that this was ANYBODY"S BUSINESS BUT MY OWN!

SO! This being in DIRECT violation of HIPAA law, a phone call hit the pharmacy soon after this happened. On questionomg the pharmacist, who knows me well, I found out that the insurance companies are now watching if you are taking their meds. When I specifically asked "Who else gets this information?" (besides the techs at the store and the insurance company) there was a hesitation. Her phrase was, "I HAVE to say I don't know as we only get this from the insurance company."

An apology was given for the violation of HIPAA, assurance was given that education would be given to the techs, and that my chart would be noted as NO MORE OF THIS.

The bottom line is, the insurance company, which in my case is a Part D Medicare provider, has their nose in my business and I have NO idea who else is getting this info. Head's up....we're being watched closer than you think!