The woven word of the Incas

Interesting story. I learned something new. It’s amazing how government always has a way to keep track of who’s got what and how much they’re going to take lol. Men have not changed much.
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Funny Lynne lol.

I love South American and Central American history. We will keep pushing back the date of human civilization further and further back. I think it's much farther than what we think.
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I noticed that TBob used the spelling Inca in his thread title, which is how I have always spelled the civilization. The article uses the spelling Inka
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Isn't it interesting that most of the megalithic structures in America were already built before the inca, Aztec or Mayan. I think it's even in their history that the people who built it before them were giants.... They would just build over the top of the other pyramids
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Yep.Its spelled quipu,and the structures are not made by giants,at least the inca ones.Incas used to have an interesing work system,actually every structure was made by citizen and "slaves" but that is a harsh way to be called by the standarts of the word.