The St. Catharines Poltergeist Case

Debi, i have seen your post while showing my Daughter this old account. The reason this is important to me is this the real life account as seen by my Father, Robert Crawford. I noticed the forum and thought i should stop by. I had seen the original police report copies when i was a kid. I still remeber my dad and his police friends discussing this in the early 80's. I can say that my dad was a true skeptic and this changed him by the accounts of his friends. He noted to me this police report was only part of the account. He was an honest man and very practicle. He died roughly 6 yrs ago. I hope this helps give light to the account as i have absolutely no reason to believe this was fake as this was never meant for papers. He wasn't made famous or rewarded. He was an honest cop doing his job and happened to witness a truly terrifing event.
Debi, i have seen your post while showing my Daughter this old account. The reason this is important to me is this the real life account as seen by my Father, Robert Crawford. I noticed the forum and thought i should stop by. I had seen the original police report copies when i was a kid. I still remeber my dad and his police friends discussing this in the early 80's. I can say that my dad was a true skeptic and this changed him by the accounts of his friends. He noted to me this police report was only part of the account. He was an honest man and very practicle. He died roughly 6 yrs ago. I hope this helps give light to the account as i have absolutely no reason to believe this was fake as this was never meant for papers. He wasn't made famous or rewarded. He was an honest cop doing his job and happened to witness a truly terrifing event.
Thank you so much for adding that light into this report. For those that experience this kind of event first hand, there is no doubt of the effect it can have on them. I have found that most folks who have a true paranormal experience aren't out to make money or find fame from it, rather they wish to find out the "why" of it.

I'm sorry for you father's passing. I hope he found peace after this incident as many people spend a lifetime looking for it after such an event.