The Slap


Sep 16, 2013
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Between here and there...
Let me first say, violence is never acceptable. Will Smith was out of line with the slap. However, Chris Rock was way over the line with the joke aimed at a medical problem that Jada has. And it was the second time he's done it to her.

WITH THAT SAID, why in the world is it Red Type Headline News on Drudge? All over Fox? CNN? What the heck? I didn't watch the Oscars, don't care about them yet I know all about this just from headlines.

The world is burning and this is the headline news? Really???

***end rant***
70% of people no longer watch the oscars, most young people under 30 no longer subscribe to cable tv, hollywood is burning (that is the world, the only world they know, nothing exists outside their bubble) more people actually watch youtube and social media than tv. any and every occurance will be made front page news and in your face with every opportunity available. with movie theatres closing down and not reopening and the loss of the last 2 years of movie revenue, this is what we can expect to be coming soon.
Totally agree, I was thinking this was a publicity stunt at first. You can't even look at someone sideways these days, I'm sick of wondering who I will offend from every word. The world is almost in tatters and you have to worry about labeling someone male or female. As an excuse for humanity, maybe they are carrying on because society is under pressure atm. On the subject I think Will should of had a quiet word to Chris after if it offended his family and showed a bit of class.
Totally agree, I was thinking this was a publicity stunt at first. You can't even look at someone sideways these days, I'm sick of wondering who I will offend from every word. The world is almost in tatters and you have to worry about labeling someone male or female. As an excuse for humanity, maybe they are carrying on because society is under pressure atm. On the subject I think Will should of had a quiet word to Chris after if it offended his family and showed a bit of class.
Both men were out of line. Both need to be told how to behave. Humor is great if you are not aiming it at someone's medical disabilities. As one who has worked with, advocated for and now become one with disabilities, there is never, ever a good reason to make a joke about it. And, once again, never a reason for violence as an answer.

My beef comes with the MSM making this "the news" of the day. We have so much going on in the world right now, it irritated me to see it pushed as the "story of the day."

Paul, you are probably right. But if I want to know about this stuff, I'll look on TMZ for it. It deserved no more than a paragraph today.
Both men were out of line. Both need to be told how to behave. Humor is great if you are not aiming it at someone's medical disabilities. As one who has worked with, advocated for and now become one with disabilities, there is never, ever a good reason to make a joke about it. And, once again, never a reason for violence as an answer.

My beef comes with the MSM making this "the news" of the day. We have so much going on in the world right now, it irritated me to see it pushed as the "story of the day."

Paul, you are probably right. But if I want to know about this stuff, I'll look on TMZ for it. It deserved no more than a paragraph today.
i agree 100%, so much more that is much more important and should be focused on. people have lost all reason and sense.
Humor is great if you are not aiming it at someone's medical disabilities.
That was not funny and was disrespectful. Having a slight disability I was picked on quite a bit as a kid, and now. I can relate but I've never let people get the better of me and just accept that a lot of people say things because of their own demons and generally win people over with humor and just being nice. It isn't front page news by a mile as you say.
I will be brave and say I was proud of will smith. He stuck up for his wife. Chris humiliated her in front of millions of people for something she couldn’t help. He had it coming in my opinion. He only got an open hand slap. It could have been a punch. He took it like a man at least.
Didn't watch it, haven't watched this "event" in decades, almost certainly never will again. Daughter told me about it.

There is just no time in my life for celebrity temper tantrums. Good thing Jeff Ross didn't emcee.
I agree with Lynne and GWU. One, i don't watch any of those shows..never cared too. It is a bunch of 'patting on the shoulders' to way overpaid egomaniacs (most of them anyway). Two, i agree Will Smith had every right to defend his wife. If someone said something to my wife, i would've laid them out. I am not a violent person..never was...but if someone was to take a inch...they will take a mile. That is one issue with the world is that there are little repercussions for what people do or say. I realize it may have only been a joke, but there are some things that should not be joked about.