The Overlord Effect

Well, it just seems to me to be a LOT of coincidence involved overall to be nothing behind the smoke and mirrors happening. I'm weighing in on the "I'm a believer" side of the program here. :)
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Well, it just seems to me to be a LOT of coincidence involved overall to be nothing behind the smoke and mirrors happening. I'm weighing in on the "I'm a believer" side of the program here. :)
I'm about halfway through with my post. I should finish Thursday evening (I'm out tomorrow). Looks like it may take 4 posts to get it all in.
I'm about halfway through with my post. I should finish Thursday evening (I'm out tomorrow). Looks like it may take 4 posts to get it all in.
I shall look forward to reading all of it.
Just fyi to all....posts are limited to 1,000 words, so you may have to split them up if they run longish.
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I just read the article and watched the videos. It seemed to sum up pretty well what those following the topic have suspected. That there is intelligent life out there besides us. What they are or where they come from is an unknown. Our govt may know but without full disclosure we may never know. So the search for answers goes on and brings us all tog here.

Myself I believe there is a spiritual answer in here somewhere. These beings whatever they are seem to be held back from interfering with us on a big scale. They get away with abductions but it's done in a clandestine manner. From the nature of their ships as reported by observers, they obviously have superior abilities and could most likely take over if they wanted. So why aren’t they? Is a divine plan in place? I lean towards that myself.

As for consciousness I think this goes to having a soul and spirit. An artificial intelligence will always make the logical decision not the best decision. Here lies the problem. If it sees us as the problem it will rise against humans. I don’t know if the aliens people claim to have seen are robots or creatures of another place but they are going against feee will and that makes them dangerous in my way of thinking.

There may be a secret space program going on. There are those making this claim. We really need disclosure to know and I doubt this will ever happen. The govt may be too deeply involved with illegal actions to ever admit guilt.
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11/5/18: THE OVERLORD EFFECT | Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis
I would love to hear what you think on this one. I have opinions to share, but would like to hear from you guys first. Is this a conspiracy to turn everything off? Is NASA keeping us in the dark?

What say you?
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South of Indy
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There are various avatars here, waiting patiently.

> verbose
Maximum Verbosity

Is NASA keeping us in the dark?

Are we being kept in the dark?

That a government would conceal information from its citizens can be taken as gospel. In fact, you don't even need to be talking about UFOs for that to be true. The government keeps many things secret. Some secrets are petty and stupid, but some exist for a very good reason. One of the big secrets to come out when I was first paying attention in my teen years was the existence of stealth aircraft. There are many other examples, of course, but this is a good one to start with for a very important reason:

Telling us [the public] too soon would have been bad for us [the public].

The core dynamic here is that [what] was being kept secret wasn't as important as [why] it was being kept secret. In this case, the technology was standardized and in use during a time when we had an enemy who would have reacted very badly to finding out we had weapons that could strike them without their being able to sense it, identify it, or protect against it. By 1988, that simply wasn't the case, and the secret of its existence could be revealed without provoking a hostile response.

So when we're examining something where we have little to go on aside from pure speculation, the question of [why] becomes that much more significant than [what]. In fact, let us reduce our [what] to something extremely broad so we can set it aside entirely to discuss what is - IMHO - the more pertinent topic of [why]. I am going to define [what] as "Aliens exist, are actively observing us, and one or more governments on Earth are concretely aware of the situation, including the United States government."

So given [what], let's walk backwards and ask "Why would [what] be actively kept from the public?"

Governments, at their core, are no different from the society from which they are formed. So when inquiring about motivation, there isn't a significant difference in what motivates a government from what motivates on of its governed individuals. For that we actually have something very concrete to look at: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. We are going to start at the bottom and work our way up.

Physiological: The need for basic resources to maintain self, a place to perform said maintenance, and a balanced environment (homeostasis).

Will my basic resources be more difficult to obtain if [what] became public knowledge?

Will my shelter become compromised if [what] became public knowledge?

Will my environment become destabilized if [what] became public knowledge?
If the government revealed [what], would its resources (taxes) become more difficult to obtain?

Will government buildings become unusable if [what] is revealed?

How will society react is [what] was revealed?

Humans panic when confronted with an external, uncontrollable disruption to their environment. Some humans panic because of fear of the disruption [the 1929 stock market crash], and other humans panic because of fear of the panic of others [the bank run that accompanied said crash]. There is not a scenario where the answer to any of these questions is a net positive for the government. There would be significant economic disruptions as people tried to convert their abstract resources (money) to concrete ones (food, weapons, etc). Government buildings would become swamped and unusable as people rioted, protested, etc. Society as a whole would shift dramatically. Entire religions would lose their underpinnings if the existence of non-Terrestrial sentient beings was revealed. Some people would feel threatened and lash out. Others would engage in fantasies about the world being improved and demand the inclusion of such sentient beings. Conflict would be inevitable due to the confrontation of incompatible belief systems and reactions.


Safety: The need to be protected from harm, whether physical, psychological, financial, etc.

Do I expand my risk of injury or death if [what] became public knowledge?

Will my resource stockpiles be compromised if [what] became public knowledge?

Is my continued existence threatened by the revelation of [what]?

Public disturbances cost time, money, labor, and materials for overcome and repair. The more widespread and violent the disturbance, the more of each of these things must be expended to overcome the disturbance. And it is always possible to create a disturbance so great that the systems being disturbed cannot be repaired. This is known as systems collapse (Societal collapse - Wikipedia). Before any 'what' can be introduced into any system, an evaluation must be done to anticipate and prepare for disruptions. Governments are surprisingly good at this; much better, in fact, than the average individual they govern. The US government publishes thousands of such evaluations and predictions (and budgets for remediation) each and every year.

[Continued on the next post]
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Social Belonging: The need for relationships, intimacy, and family.

Can [what] disrupt my relationships?

Will [what] interrupt my intimate interactions with others?

What will [what] do to the cohesion of my family?

When discussing governments, all of these questions take on new dimensions. At this level a government is no long a subset of population entrusted with rule over a large population, but is effectively an individual, who in turn is dealing with other individuals. This is also the level at which an overseeing body trying to curb the natural inclination of "might makes right" begins to have significant challenges, as some of the individuals involved can have greater personal might than the overseeing body, and could, in fact, have control over said body.

This is a critical concept, as we do not have a unified planetary government. Therefore, if one government 'individual' makes the declaration of [what], the questions above become highly relevant. How will the other governments react? Will those who considered themselves close friends with the revealing government feel slighted that [what] was kept from them? Will placated enemies become reinvigorated? Will it create a new division of 'haves' and 'have nots'?


Esteem: The need for recognition, status, importance, and respect from others?

Will revealing [what] diminish my status?

Can [what] being discovered cause me to lose respect or standing among my peers?

How will my place in the community be impacted by [what] becoming known?

If [what] is known to others, am I still important to them?

This is the arena where behavior like "doubling down" occurs. Because governments are a collective, active over extended periods of time but enacted by a volume of different persons, as new waves of enactors enter the process, they may become aware of secrets held by prior enactors; such secrets may be no longer relevant in and of themselves, but the new group of enactors now begin maintaining the secret because of the fallout from revealing it. An excellent example of this is Project MKUltra.


Self-Actualization: The need to explore and realize potential.

Will [what] diminish or hamper me if revealed?

And here is where all other levels come together. Here the broadest, most complex look at [what] become important, ironically, the biggest question left is one of other, not self:

Is there a benefit if [what] is revealed, and is such a benefit desirable?

And with that, we have arrived at the beginning. We're in a small desert town in Nevada. It's 1984, and for the past several nights you've heard jets flying overhead in the dead hours; but not jets like you've heard before. Dull, quiet sounds, and always after dark. The curious are starting to gather nights just out of town to see what in the world is going on over at the Air Force test strip. Glimpses of planes by moonlight show small, triangular craft coming and going, but no such planes are ever seen by the light of day, on the ground or in the air. And it drags on, first for weeks, then for months, then for years. Big passenger planes have been running twice a day the whole time, and no formal statements are ever issued. What the hell is going on over there, and is it something as dangerous as the old atomic tests?

Well no. But you're right - the government is doing something over there they just don't want you to know about. So here we are. We have our original [what]: new stealth aircraft have been perfected, built, and are ready for use. But the government can't tell anyone. The Soviets would interpret such a weapon as a direct circumvention of their overwhelming investment in SAM technology - and they'd be right. It would prompt a wave of spending and research directed at countering a very real threat, which would be a threat in three ways:

1) it might lead to Soviet development of similar technology;

2) It could result in a successful counter to our stealth, rendering all the time and money spent useless, and

3) it would ruin another extremely successful program: getting the Soviets to bankrupt themselves chasing after our mythical space warfare programs. These ripple through the entire hierarchy of needs and present a very proper use of secrecy: to protect the public from itself by keeping them ignorant.

Now, the nature of secrets is that they can only be kept so long. Sometimes by design, sometimes by chance, and sometimes just by Force Majeure, all secrets have a shelf life before they are exposed. This is key, because when you have to keep a secret that requires an active effort, you have to ask the extremely important question of [why] does this secret need to be kept. So let's go back to our engineered [what], repeated here because this post has gone on long enough to require a sequel:

"Aliens exist, are actively observing us, and one or more governments on Earth are concretely aware of the situation, including the United States government."

As I demonstrated, there was a [why] to be found at literally every conceivable level of analysis; in fact, there were multiples all over. Even those presented, though, only scratch the surface, because of one critical factor that I think would send chills up the spine of anyone who thought about it:

My [what] was not only the most benign possible scenario for the assumption that UFOs do, in fact, exist and have or are actively visiting Earth, but was also in direct opposition to even the most basic commonality of UFO reporting. I do stress basic, as UFOs are not an area I have actively studied. I am open to other arguments for those who have devoted more time to various accounts and hypotheses.

Yet such reporting does not paint a benign picture. In fact, even the more "friendly" reports demonstrate a pattern of exploitation, abuse, and manipulation of their targets. I've never encountered a report where abduction was anything but against someone's will. Time is lost. Memories manipulated. Samples are taken/bodies are violated. Any pursuit is relentless and total.

In this light, the [why] of something like this being covered up makes even more sense. Suppose now the worst case about alien contact is true. What purpose would telling the public serve? It's not just an abstract question; this is the kind of secret that goes well beyond the examples I gave. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people would be aware of what's happening, and yet none of them have come forward to spill the beans. That means anyone in the know takes that knowledge extremely seriously - and if they do, it might well behoove us, for now, to do so as well.
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Now, as far as the various things 'going dark' at once, all of them are well past their use-by date. That they'd break down in the same time frame is actually pretty reasonable, and I speak from experience. 'Theme' events are pretty common in IT; this week it's printers everywhere going dead, the week before it was video cards, etc. Disparate systems encountering similar failures at the same time just doesn't raise any flags for me.

Now, the bullshit excuses, on the other hand, do. I believe I mentioned my disgust with the completely transparent lie that was 'child porn' in the case of the Sunspot Solar Observatory. So in this case, my skepticism doesn't actually dismiss the overarching question of whether there is something deeper going on.

Again, though, UFO research isn't in my area, so I don't have a solid opinion at this time.
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I said this on chat a minute ago, but let me repeat it here.
First, let me say well written! I can tell you've done this before. As to your overall theory, I'm gonna have to take a day to digest it. Let me munch on that a bit.