This has been a particularly long sleepless night. Once again, things in life creep up and love to smack you in the mouth. While my brain tries to sort things out, this subject comes into mind. There have been discussions of belief and faith popping up. Being the stubborn soul i am, i have always had issues accepting this at face value. By no means would i criticize someone else for their beliefs. Perhaps those lucky ones have chose the shorter road than the one i have undertaken. All i have experienced and learned thus far in life i like to hope is guiding me to the final destination. I was never one for easy answers nor have i had an easy life. Sure, there are times those quick solutions are extremely welcome, but the more i learn, the more little pieces fall into place. I have always had my issues with faith. It is a constant battle i find myself at odds with. I believe in a higher power. I also believe that those little cracks between the puzzle pieces are where faith and belief fill in. I am only human. Flawed and contradicting. So, i continue on that long road for answers and glints of what is to be. Always questioning myself and everything around me. Maybe one day that signpost for a shortcut may cross my path. Did i mention stubborn? I'd probably continue past it. At different points others join on the trip or hang on the roadside giving you strength, but this is one that inevitably you finish alone. I don't believe that how you live always determines where we end up. There are some evil people in this world. Their destination i never question. But being a typical flawed person, it's in the lessons i learn from those mistakes that guide me in the direction i am supposed to go. So i'll continue tossing those proverbial questions as i occasionally stumble onto more answers. As the night's cobwebs begin to fall away, it is again time to get ready for work. Until the next intersection when we meet up, stay safe and always keep your eye on the road. You never know what you'll come across next.
I read this when you first posted it (or near to) Selectric and wanted to respond... but in order to do that, I needed to go see my Child Self for she holds something I needed before I came to put down in words (or attempt to) what I wanted to offer. Now, those who know me from the start... those who were here when I arrived... and have had the rather hmmm... dubious honor... of meeting my Child Self... can probably attest (especially Debi and Lynne I think) to her, well, infinite ability and untiring energy in getting into EVERYTHING and using any and all of it to stir the pot when she shouldn't even be in the kitchen, and her willful insistence on challenging and endless questioning - looking here, wandering there, poking at this and that, crawling onto and under and over -whatever- and sometimes speaking, if not inappropriately, at some rather inappropriate times. That One clearly has learned no boundaries. So. It takes me a minute to get her out of that tree and silent enough to listen in on the simplest things and on this thing - it took far longer.
My Child Self wears around her neck, a key of the finest Silver. A Wise Old Man gave it to her many MANY lolol years ago and not once has she parted with it and never will She. I need that Key to open the Chest it fits into so the two of us must take that journey together. The Chest resides within a Sacred Space in my/our Heart and has only been opened when the need is special. And I think this one is. Within that Chest stands a Silver Chalice, also given to her/us by a Wise Old Man... and this all came to be when He happened upon her pain (though I imagine it was not happenstance at all) and pulling her into his lap spoke softly words of comfort and Love. When The Child was soothed He pulled the Cord of His Robe, The Chimes sounded and the Chalice appeared between her tiny hands.
Like any Child, she was intensely interested in the beautiful object and the clear, sweet smelling liquid that rippled and flowed within it. Looking up into His kindly face with wonder, He spoke again. "This Cup hold's all of your tears Child. Each and everyone you have shed since you Became in this World. I have kept it close to me until it was time to give it into your hands. These tears are Sacred to me and each one numbered in my memory. But now, it is time for you to take the Cup. Now it is time to dry your tears so that there is room for the tears of Others who seek and are dismissed and Love and are rejected. Will you do this for me Child? And keep them safe and protected until you pass the Cup back into my hands?"
And she did and she does and so here we are.
Selectric, you are perfect in your Creation. There IS no shortcut. No one Road from A to B. Heck, there is no A to B at all. No one (or myriad) belief/s big enough to encompass The Light, The Truth... The Great Mystery. No word, or symbol, or institution holds a Key to Creator/Creation. No Label correctly pronounces IS. No ONE holds all or even a little of the Infinite. And a thousand, thousand, thousand Ones make not even a dent.
Your post shows me that you and YOUR Child Self inherently know this. Still, it is painful to be dismissed, and hurtful to doubt yourself because of what any or all others hold up against you. Hence, we brought The Cup.
I don't know Selectric. Reading this post I was filled with a sadness I have often come to in these long years Walking. I find those who are closest to their Truth are almost always those who are shunned by those who hold none. Those who offer what can not be owned are many, those who KNOW that, are few and rare and beautiful...
To a One, in those I have encountered, these Children fight fiercely for their independence, their Right to freely go anywhere and every where Creator/Creation leads them... refusing to label what can not be held or seen or even spoken - And oft times Walk alone through the years here on this Mother... taking the Paths and Roads of The Great Mystery choosing to follow as many Paths as The Great Mystery allows. THAT Selectric is the MEANING of Faith. The Creator/Creation IS. And so are you.
Now. Hand the Cup back to The Child. She has gathered the tears you do not know you cry and will protect them with all She IS until The Wise Old Man takes The Cup from her hands and says "Well Done"
Go and have a Wonderful Adventure in this that is The Great Mystery Selectric. You are Loved.