The Drive-In Movie Theater:


Paranormal Trooper
Jul 29, 2015
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Virginia, USA
The Drive-In Movie Theater: An American Pastime


by Farmers' Almanac Staff

Take acres of available land, mix it with people’s desire for ample personal space, and add to it their love of the automobile, movies, and nearly anything on a grand scale, and what do you have? The elements that coalesced into a largely American phenomenon we know as the drive-in movie theater.

According to Joe Bob Briggs, a film critic, comedian, and drive-in movie expert, by 1956 there were 5,000 drive-ins across America. Post-World War II young couples embraced the chance to get out without having to hire a baby-sitter.

Much more at source: The Drive-In Movie Theater: An American Pastime

One of my most enjoyable past times was all us kids packing into dad's beat up old banger and heading for the closest Drive -In to watch the latest double feature. Once Dad had a park we kids sneaked off to the the playground in front of the movie screen while Mum and dad ordered the eats. Then back in the car with anticipation elevated for the start of the first movie Dad set up the speaker on the open window and we were all set to go. At the end of the double feature the race was on for the single exit and the drive home.
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By the late 50s when this photo was taken in Sydney American -style Drive-Ins were becoming popular thruout Australia due to their informality. If the kids did not want to play in the playground they came in their pyjamas and settled on pillows and blankets in the back seat. The Drive In lost its popularity in the late 70s/80s and began closing in droves. Today Sydney has only the one still operating. But there are plans to open another. Perhaps this movie fad of a bygone era will make a comeback.
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I love drive ins And there are still two open (miracle) nearby.
When my brother and I were little mom and dad used to take us. Before night fell we would play on the playground and then load up on snacks and goodies in concession stand. Then we would return to the giant Oldsmobile 98 and switch into are footie pajamas.
Pre Yeti mini cooler days, Dad would fill the spaghetti pot with ice and a six pack of Stroh's Beer.
Flashforward 10-14 years, the summer between my Junior and senior year in high school we went to the drive-in darn near every night. I had a 72 Chevy Impala, that's sat 6 comfortably and 4 in the trunk.
It was the 80s so we watched Outsidersposter.jpeg
Over & over.
We would drink $1 Big Jug Beer forties.
Good times.
Years later I got to paint the world's largest drive-in movie screen in Indianapolis Indiana.