Telephone confusion


Sep 16, 2013
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Between here and there...
I recently had this phone conversation with the doctor's office and also the pharmacy.

Nurse: Is this Tracy?
Me: No, this is his wife.
Nurse: Oh, I'm so sorry! I had this down as his phone. Wait, and you can give me his number and I'll change the records.
Me: No, this is also his phone. It's the phone we both use.

Nurse: You mean you both use the same phone?
Me: Ummm...yes. Is that a problem?

Nurse: Well, everybody has their own phone. I haven't run across someone who shares a phone. I'm not sure how to list that in the computer.

Me: Honey, it was normal in the past to have one house phone and everyone used it. He can't hear well anyway so I answer it.

Nurse: Well, OK. Is it an old landline?

Me: Noooo. It's a cell phone.

Nurse: What does he do if he's out alone?

Me: Sigh....we're always together. He doesn't drive or go out alone.
OK, folks. I know times have changed, but perhaps we need to explain a few things to the We used to go out in a car without one of these things and drive without GPS or the ability to instantly call a tow truck. We lived on the edge of prehistoric
I can relate to that, I still don't have a cell phone lol. When people ask what do I do if I break down I tell them I fix the car or walk, you should see the look of disbelief. Good thing is I can't be tracked, I think. I like the freedom.
People are dense. I had someone call my house and left a message. Now, my greeting says Hi, This Is Steve, i am not home etc etc and the person just responded by hi, i'm looking for Steve...i'm not sue if this is his number lol. *Smacks Head*
I tried to use a check at a local pet shop and the young cashier looked at me like I had two heads. She said I will have to get the manager because I don't know how to do this transaction. I asked her if she had ever used a check before and she admitted to me she had no idea how to even fill one out. I was shocked. The manager quickly finished my transaction, and I went on my way shaking my head. We are failing our children.
I remember trying to cash a traveler's check at a store and it took twenty minutes of consulting with a manager, calling an 800 number, etc. None of the cashiers had ever heard of traveler's checks, and they were even eyeing me with suspicion, as if I were trying to do something illegal, lol.
They are trying to phase out checks completely.
I wonder what would happen if something knocked out power to the extent that it affected cell phone towers, what would people do without a computer doing their thinking for them?
I wonder what would happen if something knocked out power to the extent that it affected cell phone towers, what would people do without a computer doing their thinking for them?
Recently, my local hospital got hacked by a ransom attack. They had to revert to doing everything by paper or on a laptop NOT connected to the main system they were rebuilding. Over the 6 weeks this went on, nurses and docs were scrambling for prescription pads and how to handle documentation that had always been hooked into the system. As one nurse I know put it, "Chaos". I worked in a time of handwritten notes, etc. No computers. They actually did go to some of the older nurses and docs to "relearn" the old ways of pen and paper and the use of paper charts, even if only for temporary use.
I remember trying to cash a traveler's check at a store and it took twenty minutes of consulting with a manager, calling an 800 number, etc. None of the cashiers had ever heard of traveler's checks, and they were even eyeing me with suspicion, as if I were trying to do something illegal, lol.
What!?@! You aren't showing me something on a smart phone or TikToK? Eeeeghad! Something is wrong lol. Trouble shooting courses on customer help please lol. It's like you hear employees complain about a customer asking for something and the poster (of said problem) asks why?! Uh...that your job job man/girl lol. The world has fallen into a spiral of stupid and mostly lazy repetition lol.