Talking about Tulpas

tulpas have no set of morals, they are a direct reflection of the one who created them. in the Tibetan belief there is a system taught that is structured and only taught to those deserving. a high level of meditation, a system of symbols, etc...
the problem with most people who try or practice this is they are not trained properly, not clear mind or in the state of "no-mind"... the example of the spider creature in the article is dead on. they tried to create a monster and in so doing they projected monster like tendencies and actions into their creation, same with the "slenderman" example.... if its created from fear or negativity it will be just that.
tulpas, golems, any others in this category, arent meant to be something evil or already known. they are supposed to serve a benign purpose....unfortunately, in today's world most people want to jump into things that are way over their heads with no regards or care of the outcome. luckily few of these ever succeed with any actual results before they move on to the next flavor of the month or new book in the new age section of the local barnes and noble...
Nuke just went off in my brain!
Hope nobody sends one my way
eh, i wouldnt worry too much about tulpas or the like... most who think they have created a little buddy to hang with will be coming through wanting to know how to get rid of the attachment that has grabbed hold to them while they were thinking they were doing something cool......:eek:.... the other reason you have to be clear minded, so the little buggers out there dont try to fool you into thinking your all
I wonder why no one is interested in creating a being of the light?
I don't think you can, I believe tulpas come from the mischievous side of us. I created tulpas years ago, which I've written about before. This was before I knew anything of the paranormal in human terms or the outfalls. One was a giant bat and the other a blob type thing about three feet tall. I don't know how I did it but they only lasted about 30 seconds before vanishing. I do have a witness to this.
I don't think you can, I believe tulpas come from the mischievous side of us. I created tulpas years ago, which I've written about before. This was before I knew anything of the paranormal in human terms or the outfalls. One was a giant bat and the other a blob type thing about three feet tall. I don't know how I did it but they only lasted about 30 seconds before vanishing. I do have a witness to this.
the original practice of creating tulpas by Tibetan Buddhist monks was for the good. only did the practice turn bad after occultists and careless others learned of it. their are stories of monks being seen in lands and other places far away from where they were known to actually be at the time. most theorize this as being accomplished by astral travel, but it has also been questioned if it may have been a tulpa in the monks image sent in their place... of course no one will ever know if the stories are fact or then how it was even accomplished, so tales and theories are all we have.... cool subject though to ponder on and open up other avenues not considered. its easy to get trapped in a box and think we know more than we actually do, its good sometimes to approach a topic and think outside the box and try to see things from a different angle.
the original practice of creating tulpas by Tibetan Buddhist monks was for the good. only did the practice turn bad after occultists and careless others learned of it. their are stories of monks being seen in lands and other places far away from where they were known to actually be at the time. most theorize this as being accomplished by astral travel, but it has also been questioned if it may have been a tulpa in the monks image sent in their place... of course no one will ever know if the stories are fact or then how it was even accomplished, so tales and theories are all we have.... cool subject though to ponder on and open up other avenues not considered. its easy to get trapped in a box and think we know more than we actually do, its good sometimes to approach a topic and think outside the box and try to see things from a different angle.
When I did it I was trying to convince, impress a lady that I had some sort of gift. I just thought deeply about spooky stuff and these appeared. Tbh I nealy s--- myself as did my friend but I did convince her, lol. I've never tried this again as it seemed wrong and I didn't know what these were or if I'd unleashed something really bad. I'd describe them as pretend, plastic entities. I swear these were visible, though fake in a way entities I conjured up. The blob thing ran straight through both of us like an evil breeze and the huge bat just flew around the room.
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When I did it I was trying to convince, impress a lady that I had some sort of gift. I just thought deeply about spooky stuff my previous post on selfishness, greed and cool factor...... no problem though, sounds like you realized your mistake and learned from it..... meditating on ones self, being clear and knowing your true self is not an easy task, nor is it easy to change and reach a level that some practices require. being in the right frame of mind and purifying the soul takes years, lifetimes even....none of us are perfect, life takes a toll on us in ways we never even realize. we start out pure but somewhere along the way something happens and we lose who we are bit by bit, piece by piece..until we no longer recognize even ourselves. one day we wake up and we think "who am I"...... remembering who we truly are as a soul is the goal to focus on. life is hard, man..... and the first step of learning any of our abilities is first learning ourselves.... the path is long .........

and also my first post about if you think spooky create spooky stuff......intent is powerful
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