
New Member
Nov 22, 2017
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Ok, so I took some advice for once. I have an on tap gag reel that is my dressing the tripe of my research career up as lamb. I've had some very odd and sometimes downright dangerous assignments offered to me, I'm sure the outcome of some were I would be nuked, or all life on Earth would be extinct. And I'd be nuked again, just to make sure.

Everyone reckons I'm a funny guy, by the way. I'm not lying... I was asked to end life on the planet. By after effect, of course.

I read much later after I started telling these capers that the scientists on the Manhattan Project believed there was a 50/ 50 chance the test nuke blast would ignite the atmosphere. The consensus was, we'll win the war no matter what, so the test went ahead. We're still here, so I'd much like no repeats of that.

In any case, have a bit of a laugh if you will, this is the first time I've written any of these down. And please excuse my potty mouth, one of the virtues of a Catholic education.



Project A119, Down Under

“Wolf, we need a really huge demonstration.”

At this time, late 2014, my life consisted of endless progress meetings in Sydney and Newcastle with my scentific and engineering supervisors. I was technically working in aerospace research at this point, although renewable energy was never kept too far from my mind.

When I was in Sydney, I had the really hot, slinky little French aerospace cadet engineer who was one of my bosses to use as eye candy while I told her about power timing profiles on Cubesat orbits. I was usually trying to get a good look at her pitiful cleavage, better than my ex I gotta say though! She never had any idea, the other boss, a mechatronics cadet engineer, always made sure I had at least three schooners under my belt before any progress meeting.

However, in Newcastle, it was a Hungry Jacks kind of thing. Hell, no beer man!

And… a “huge demonstration”?

“Whaddya thinking mate?” I asked, shovelling another handful of fries into my mouth.

My adopted brother, boss, and literal disciple pondered a moment. I’m a dumb tech, not a Damned priest. “I’ve thought about hovering it just off the Harbour Bridge for a week, a massive quadcoptor...”

“Be about twenty metres minimum.”

“Right! Just to get attention, some scrolling signs, ‘How do you think we’re doing this?!’”

Ok, I thought, this is good. Solid, tangible proof of a COP of over 1 for a fusion reactor. My brother had given me the physics weeks beforehand, it checked out. The thing might have a half a chance, not like that piece of *!#$ we all know as the tokamak.

Then he sprung it on me.

“I have another idea...”


He stopped thumping me on the back about a minute later.

“You right Wolf?” he asked, his eyes concerned.

“Yeah, bones in it… tell me again, are you *!#$ing insane?! You want to nuke the Moon?!

“Well, not nuke, but I believe it’d hit the Moon at about 85% of the speed of light.”

“*!#$ off.”

“Slower? Can’t be.”

“Try approximately 93% of the speed of light. You must’ve dropped a zero somewhere important.”

He whistled. “93% of the speed of...”

“What about the slingshot effect of the gravity imbalance? We’d be cast out of the Green Zone!”

“Its not enough mass.”

“How do we know? This thing is going to be moving at a speed we have never accomplished. The resultant impact could literally wipe out all life on Earth! Thought about the temporal dilation? Will it happen now? Or some point up the creek into Timelike Infinity? Could a resultant fragment send a continent to the floor of the ocean, Dinosaur Killer style? Jesus H. Chri...!!!"

“But Wolf…”

“But Wolf what?!”

“Its just an idea.”

“Just an idea?! You’re talking about NUKING THE *!#$ING MOON MAN!

“Alright, I get it. Can we trim the speed off a bit?”

“Dude, no one is nuking the Moon, not less us, for Gods sake! I don’t care if its in the name of proving a point.”

“Yanks wanted to do it.”

“Yeah, I’d believe that… ‘I’m Afraid of Americans...’”

“Your mates in Moscow wanted to as well.”

“Saber rattling. God, it was the Cold Freaking War man. They had a two word answer to everything: nuclear *!#$ing weapons. Taxes - nuke 'em. Watergate - nuke 'em. Ronnie Reagan's 'Star Wars' ain't working - you guessed it! Nuke 'em! Lee Harvey Oswald says something halfway intelligible, Goddamnit, Debbie nukes 'em all! You and I are here, in this Hungry Freaking Jacks, talking legitimately about blowing the *!#$ing Moon out of orbit. And Debbie did a fine job doing Dallas, for the record, three times!"

“Got a better idea?”

“Know of a big white house in a sheep paddock down South, my taxes pay for a bit of hot air to be made in there…?”

“No! No, no, no Wolf, no! We are not going to blow up the Parliament!”

“Aww, come on, I’d get like the Medal of Valour or some *!#$.”

They’re my bosses!

“So? I like the Moon, plus it don’t owe me an obscene amount of money like your bosses do!”

“We are not wiping Canberra off the face of the map.”

“Then leave the Moon alone. Deal?”


“And don’t grumble. I’ll use the PM as my test load for the ignition coil... all ten million electron-volts...”

“Oh, for Gods sake…!”


So, thats how I saved the Moon from a madman with a fusion reactor. You thought the Yanks had an issue with how small their *!#$s were compared to the Russians… yeah, right! However, I understand there are now wise toilets in the Antipodes now…? I wasn't able to fix that issue with the Ruddbot V2.

Hey, do I get like a medal or something? Just don't tell anyone about that major firmware issue with the Ruddbots...
If you liked this one, I'll pen some more. You wait till the ITU almost painted my hide across a mountain range...

Edit: On request, I've censored all of the more extreme profanity. Given I have no idea if this is a PG or G rated forum, its likely for the best. Other non-profane popular culture references kept for humour value. Appreciate the help on that one Debi, cheers.

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and if I need to censor the profanity, let me know, it is part of the story, I'll address that soonest.
Yes, Wolf, ya need to be a bit cleaner than that. No "F" bombs, please. You may pen away but please keep it on the cleaner side. :)
Yeah, the "F" bombs are part of the humour, I'll censor that soonest. What is meant to be is that I've had these communications and incidents with younger engineers and scientists, I think its likely apparent they didn't teach me, the guys who taught the guys who taught these kids were my bosses. They were gentlemen, and didn't suggest we blow the planet out of orbit to prove a point...

I'll get in there with some "*"s and "!" marks, leave the suggestion a profane word was used, mmm?

Cheers, hey!
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Must admit I got lost somewhere along the way reading this.......think I was thinking too much of the Wigner's friend thought experiment or was expecting shrodingers cat to come into play more clearly somehow,.. I dunno, maybe I'm just slow today......lol....... I blame the msg and l-tryptophan.
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Wolf, I appreciate the edit. Thank you.

I would suggest from reading some of the other member's responses that perhaps you may wish to be a tad less abstract in the writing and add a few more specifics to it to help all understand your topics and meanings. I have been known to write something where I think others must see what is obvious to me, yet I end up having to explain it further. Just a suggestion from another writer. ;)
This was basically my attempt at a "factual" creepypasta that doesn't deal in supernatural/ alien/ out there conspiracy theories, but more hard science fact with enough speculation, a la, an apocalyptic bent Arthur C. Clarke pulp type short story.

Then again, I've always known I've never been good at short stories, despite my love of the creepypasta idea. I absolutely adore "Digital Immortality," and I like to write.

Writing a space opera takes more time than I have available to it now. It was ok just after the Federal Court case that destroyed me, I reckon I should never have tried to do that electrical engineering undergraduate... I should've just kept writing, and done my own backups on the computer...

Ah well.

And yes, despite how confused it seems, I was actually asked to prepare designs and assembly for components for a novel type of fusion reactor that needed a large demonstration. The tokamak is a worthless piece of junk, I gotta say. It'll never COP > 1, ever. One idea that was floated past me was hitting the Moon with the "spaceship" so people wouldn't be able to doubt what happened as yet another false flag kind of thing. That reactor wasn't for baseload, it was for intra and inter-solar system travel... essentially, it was a rocket. I was already building Cubesat components at that time, so this wasn't such a great jump...

I got asked about ion thrusters the other day. These days I'm looking at the grid and magnetic yoke guide controls on an old CRT TV, seeing if I can use a real time FPGA card to control those independently, and "model" the path of the electron off the grid through to the screen before firing it off... a toy particle accelerator. You can tell I get really bored huh? That idea isn't quite so far out there, it made sense when the penny dropped, and this after fixing CRT TVs in my second trade...

Build your own particle accelerator | www.scienceinschool.org

I can see I need to modify my technique on the short story. Then again, this is my life, I live this everyday. Very few people actually know what I do, and a few small number of those even understand why I'm doing it. So yeah, I might need some more backstory... but I think I need to tune the idea a bit more than that...

Oh well.

