
Your stories are all wonderful to read! Synchronicities are something we’ve always talked about and shared in my family. It’s quite a thrill experiencing one. Here’s a recent happening. My younger daughter had been searching for four leaf clovers with no luck. Her teacher last year had found several on the playground during recess and showed the kids. She told me she just has a knack for it, always has. A few weeks into the next school year I dropped my kindergartener off at school. On my way out I found a “blowey flower” or dandelion to adults. I blew on it and wished that I would find a four leaf clover. I picked my kindergartener up later and as we walked up the hill to her sisters part of the school I told her I had found a blowy flower and wished to find a four leaf clover. As I was saying it I looked down into a patch of grass and no sooner had the words left my lips I had spotted a four leaf clover! I was over the moon giddy. She was surprised too but couldn’t really understand the significance of the timing. We walked the rest of the way to her sisters classroom and on a plant outside the door she spotted a white preying mantis. Not synchronistic but I felt it was a sign. I had been feeling low and these events turned things back around for me. I took it as a positive sign. That things would work out and we’d get through it. I put the four leaf clover under tape on cardstock and carry it around on my wallet for good luck.
Not only good luck but to serve as a reminder that the creator hears our Intentions.
I know this is an old thread but I read because the word was mentioned in another thread and I had no idea what it meant.

It has made me wonder though as the past few days today particularly ... seems to be a lot of coincidences going on. Hmmm.
I’ve heard it said that when you experience synchronicities it means your on the right path. Sign posts for the soul