Study: Woman's tears calm men


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

OK, guys! Time for you to tell us if this works! (I always thought there was some magic involved
pheromones are a powerful tool if used right....... what never made sense to me is why all the health manufacturers always use animal pheromones...... which can actually have the opposite effect of what is desired..........
Right off the bat I was curious as to how they collected these tear samples and how long the chemical reaction in the tears lasted, because they would have had to have a room full of crying women to get any amount and if they needed it in a hurry they would have to be in the next room. I have a funny mental picture of white coats poking little old ladies with a cattle prod.

It also came to mind that the tears from crying statues could now be tested to see if they were human tears. If so maybe the entity behind the crying statues is using a physical means to help make people feel better as well as a religious support.

This was an interesting study; I would be interested to know how they collected those tears though lol.
a box of tissue, chocolate and a hallmark movie marathon...............everyone proceed to room 3
Nah...not enough. Just play those dang Humane Society commercials with the poor dogs and cats out in the cold followed by the St. Jude commercials. Bring me a bucket cuz I cry every time. I've actually had to avoid them or face dehydration. But I do like the addition of chocolate!