Spirit Guides....

I didn't know I had one until it appeared to me one night in my house. I was going through some heavy stuff in my life, it was a red wolf/dog and while it surprised me, it didn't frighten me at all and I felt a sense of calm. It was transparent but you could see the color and features. I know it came to protect me.
I didn't know I had one until it appeared to me one night in my house. I was going through some heavy stuff in my life, it was a red wolf/dog and while it surprised me, it didn't frighten me at all and I felt a sense of calm. It was transparent but you could see the color and features. I know it came to protect me.
We all have them. If you are a human being you have them. Usually, from my experience your band is around 5. You’ll have mains ones who help you the most, a doctor of chemistry, protectors, and always a joy guide, who is always a child around 4-7 years old. Mine is Lil onion. She is an Omaha Indian little girl. And she is quite the character! My main guide is Sarah. Her and I have been together for millennia. Sometimes I’m her guide. Sometimes we are here together. That’s interesting you saw yours. I’ve seen Sarah relatively clear on one occasion. Sounds like what you saw may have been a totem animal. Which is always a protector. Who knows tho, your protector guide just May have paid you a visit. They will always be there when you need them the most…
I think mine is playing hide and seek ;ss
Ha ha No way. They are sort of bonded to you. They work for you, they stayed behind (their progress) to guide and help you. They are certainly not gonna hide! If anything, run to.... you. Understand that your guides are deceased relatives from this or mostly past lives. You may not know them but your soul sure does! You can ask for their help 1000x and go against their advice 1000x and they will just as willing to help as ever. They don't know anger, hate, conflict. Only love and compassion. They only want what's in your best interest at all times. They never want you to have bad intent either. I learned a trick that helped me know mine or, Sarah at least. They can be so damn helpful. But they aren't going to live our lives for us. Parking spots.... They can even get you a (close to the bldg) parking spot! Someone taught me the trick about 15 years ago. I swear it works! I did it 2 weeks ago.
How does one discover their spirit guide?
How does one discover their spirit guide?
I was taught a meditation that led me to Sarah. Believe me, I suck at meditation. But you can try this, It may work for you. It worked for me. This method is solid because you can literally feel...this. Find a quiet...spot. Turn off the phone, tv, etc. Pick a singular object, anything. A door knob, a light switch, or even a candle flame. Breathe in thru your nose, out your mouth. STARE....at the object of your choice. (Its not the object thats important, its the laser beam focus). After 10 mins or so, you will begin to feel.....a tingling sensation on the very top of your head. That's your Crown Chakra opening, now, ready to receive. Ask what guide is with me or, who is my main guide with me, etc. I saw in my mind and heard the name Sarah. I knew a psychic lady and she confirmed what I got was 100% accurate. Trust what you get. Give it a shot...

By the way, just by you asking is validation that your guides want to communicate with you...
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I had a spirit guide reveal himself to me one night during a dream. He is Native American, and when I spoke to a Native American shaman about him, I was told his name was "He Who Walks Alone".
YES!!! Most of my guides are native as well. In fact, my name Tworivers is from a past life as a Cheyenne Indian. The combination of my father Two...something and my mother something...rivers. I have a Cheyenne brother named Running horse, havent spoken to him in over 15 years. Another called Longbow and another Medicine woman called Stillwater. I also had a bear who for some reason, always stayed in the shadows...

I love it.