She lives with what?

Does this not sound like Hat Man to you guys?

I'm not very familiar with Hat Man

I'm a bit puzzled to what people call Hat Man
I am not a professional when it comes to Hat Man (or any of this, for that matter lol), but every account i've heard of 'him' he stood in the background while his other 'buddies' did the haunting/terrorizing. Now, there were a few instances i've heard of an old 'hag' woman appear in association with the Hat Man. I remember the Hat Guy with you Oz. I pictured some dude wearing a black hat, though very far away walking towards me. Same guy/entity? I don't know for sure. I guess we can never be 100% sure what they are. Inter-dimensional, alien, spirit? Either way they seem to evoke terror in those that encounter them. My 'friend' was the same way, though never saw 'him' until the final encounter. Was no Hat Guy, but all in all, same concept.
It sure does sound like another case of the shadow person Hat man. Even though reports are that he doesn't respond to religious prayer or the evoking of God, I would still do it and have the house blessed by a priest.
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