Shadow people = Haunted?

I think they are one of the stranger entities, you don't get any feeling from them which makes them more intriguing. Or is that their plan?

I feel energy mostly, only rarely do I get emotions or intention. So far I feel nothing from shadow entities. My sample is pretty small, though. I need to see more of these things.
To Answer your question, yes in my opinion it is a form of haunting. In my experience as an investigator, “Shadow People” are known to move quickly and on rare occasions will jump across rooms or through closed windows or just disappear. They also seem to have an awareness of their surroundings, many people who encounter these entities believe that they are ghostly spirits and some describe them morphing into the form of a shadow person from smoke or particles.

Whatever the reason behind their appearance, one thing is for sure, the Shadow People are anything but friendly and can be encountered anywhere. They are very intimidating figures, and the sheer number of sightings in recent years lead many of us to believe that Shadow people are indeed a paranormal phenomenon.
My wife lately has been telling me she's been seeing shadow people or whatever in our bedroom. This would happen after midnight and after waking up for some reason. The first time it happened she said she couldn't move, I tried to explain sleep paralysis to her. The second time she was able to move her arm and touch her phone to light it up, as soon as she did the whatever they were vanished. My question is does seeing shadow people equal haunted?
This is an interesting thread...when I was about three years old, my grandpa was very sick, and my parents tried to carry me into his room, trying to cheer him up. Grandpa was depressed and angry from what I was told. Well, they brought me near the room, I saw a tall dark shadow with a hat standing over his bed, and I remember crying and screaming. Then, when I was about 20 years old, I remember, walking down the hallway, and seeing that same figure. My dad at the time was sick, and a little depressed. Makes me wonder if these things are a manifestation of dark thoughts?
My wife lately has been telling me she's been seeing shadow people or whatever in our bedroom. This would happen after midnight and after waking up for some reason. The first time it happened she said she couldn't move, I tried to explain sleep paralysis to her. The second time she was able to move her arm and touch her phone to light it up, as soon as she did the whatever they were vanished. My question is does seeing shadow people equal haunted?
Ah, The Shadow People. 'sigh'

Like Lynne, I'd need a better or 'deeper' description... for all the good it would do... Best I can tell there are a c*ap load of 'shadow people' - I have experienced at least 4 types personally - well, not experienced... observed would be closer. I don't care to have any experiences with those ones. I have enough problems. Usually they keep their distance and so do I. But not because of anything I did or do - they seem to be regulated by their own rules... and, hmmm... regulators.


I have a set and absolutely written in stone rule of my own. Don't be over me, on me, touch me, whisper to me, sit on my bed, or chest or in any way, shape or form - attempt to assert dominance of any kind on my physical body... cause when I finally move - it's War. Ghost's, Spirit's, Entities, Shadow People... makes no never mind. You better kill me cause I aint gonna be happy.