scary future for the elderly( some elderly)

I had the misfortune of doing some time in a hospital for a neurological stroke . I was in for 7 days. Knocked out my left side again but still have the ability to speak. The first two days I noticed a big difference in care that i was getting compared to the other gentleman in the room. Dumb things like not answering the page or not emptying the bedpan,not changing out my iv bag before it was empty. I ask Tom , the guy who was in for a regular stroke, what the deal was because he was getting great care. I found out that the 2 nurses were what you would call SJW. He told me they were pissed off because my wife wore a Trump hat when they brought me up onto the floor. I could not believe it. I was getting less care because of politics.
Third night , i asked the floor nurse what these ladies jobs were and she told me.......big mistake. I went to the closet where they keep the saline bags and took a case and put it under the bed. I changed my own saline bags for the next 4 day by myself. The head nurse asked me on the 5th night if things had improved and i told her i was writing everything down and recording the conversations they were having with Tom. These nurses thought i was always asleep during the afternoon and they would complain to Tom about me and my wife. The best was when they described me as " another old white man who thinks his stuff don't stink". I know my stuff stinks and made sure everyday the bedpan was full for there enjoyment. Even to the point of having Exlax as my dessert every night.
Remember, this all started with my wife wearing a hat. I never talk politics or even spoke to these nurses. Just a hat. Imagine what happens to people that are really unconscious. I know most nurses are good and have a heart but this was really an eye opener.
I left the hospital after i turned in the recordings of them bashing me and handed them back a half box of saline bags and alerted them to the fact that on my computer chart both nurses signed off that they changed the bags. Hmm, falsifying records......... I visited Tom a month after I left. Seems they no longer work there. Rumor mill has it that they are going to lose their license.

Be afraid of the SJW. Fight them at every chance.
I am glad they are losing their license, I have an ex who was a head nurse while I lived with her n another state she was crooked as they come she got fired 3 or 4 times for drugs coming up missing and claimed it to be one of the CNA's but I knew better.. after I left her about a year or so she told me she lost her nursing license and was cleaning houses for a living expecting me to pity her my response was "YOU CLEAN HOUSES!?" She never did any of that while I was with her.

Karma will get them, Sal, you hang in there I will pray for you if you don't mind.
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Holy cow. What those nurses were doing to Sal was pretty darn close to attempted murder. A stroke victim who becomes dehydrated could risk further complications or another stroke! I mean, my jaw is on the floor. Praying for you too Sal.

The most annoying and hated question anyone can ask me in this new 'culture' of who can be smugger... is "right or left?" My go to answer is "You're all idiots, and if you are over 50 you are what ever comes after idiot."

This isn't about politic's. This is about division. If people can't see how badly they are being played it's to late for them anyway and I am past caring. If you are not willing to lay your life on the line for your 'cause' then you are just protezing and it makes you look ridiculous. Anyone who does this in a professional atmosphere should be fired immediately and if the profession includes life or death that should be double quick. But you know what, this idiocy has invaded every part of my community and it sickens me.