Noise or perfect silence?

I have a fan on and we stream talk radio all night. And hubs can't hear that well so it's not exactly soft! Weirdly enough after 46 years of this, I now can't sleep in quiet! If it's quiet I will wake right up! lol
I did shift work for several years. two weeks each of days, evenings, and midnights. My wife ran a kid care in our home with about 6 extra kids and our one. I can sleep through anything except a kid crying. Also across the street was a fire station. Nada, I slept through almost anything. The school about 2 blocks down nearly burned to the ground and almost every fire truck in town showed up. I read about it in the newspaper the next day.

I used to like complete silence but for some reason I now prefer some level of noise. A fan running or some form of talking - usually a podcast or YouTube documentary - usually sends me off to sleep nicely.
I like silence. The noise bothers me. When I lived in an apartment in Dallas I even turned the AC off at night because the noise bothers me. It does not cool off in humid climates, so if the day was 105, the night might get down to 95. Somehow I could sleep though. My electric bill was always a couple hundred dollars less than my neighbors. City noise bothers me but I can deal with that once I get used to it. Now I live in a suburban type area (in the city limits in an old section where everyone has a big yard) my goal is to have tall bushes growing around the edges of my property on m y side of the block walls to keep the noise down. Maybe in 10 years they will be tall enough.
I hate the sound of traffic despite growing up in the city. It's quiet in the country now apart from the neighbor who breeds chickens, lots of roosters that crow all night, lol. I just got two Jersey steers to eat the paddocks as pets. I bought them as quiet animals but they are very vocal :eek: . If they persist I'll invite everyone over for a BBQ, lol.