Name something...

Here comes part 2...

31. Clickbait - anything that ends with something like, "what happens next will shock you" or "I couldn't believe what happened next", I just wish I could send those sites a malware onto their servers that writes zeros to everything on them. That permanently destroys files and there's no possible recovery.

32. Any social media post of something sad and says 1 Like = 1 Amen, or something where if the person in the pic gets a million likes they get a kidney transplant or some nonsense like that.

33. People who comment on posts with scam ads where they claim to earn 'X' amount of Dollars by working from home, click this link to find out how.

34. Telemarketers and even worse, unsolicited calls from companies I've never even dealt with.

35. People who have to basically shout into their cellphones when they talk

36. People who have really annoying ring tones and take forever to answer their phones

37. People who do absolutely nothing when their baby cries at the top of their voice in public places like restaurants and such, and disruptive kids that clearly received zero discipline and the parents let them do whatever they want even if it's ruining everyone else around them's time.

38. Really bad service

39. People who think they know everything or always think they're right when they are clearly wrong.

40. People who can't think logically about information. My one friend's yorkies had puppies and this yorkie book they had said you must properly wash and disinfect your hands before handling new born puppies to avoid infection. I'm not an expert but as far as I know the only ailment humans can spread to dogs is rabies. I could be wrong, but I've grown up with dogs and bred them for a while and those puppies never got sick because of us and I don't know of anyone who has experienced that. And they also didn't allow loud noises around the puppies to protect their ears, and by loud noises I'm talking about the TV, radio and talking "loud". What are you going to do when there's a thunder storm right over your house? And I know some militaries expose their K-9 units to very loud noises from when they're puppies so they're not deterred by loud noises on the battlefield. But apparently the book knows better:rolleyes:...

41. Old people who think they're entitled to respect purely because they're older and also because they're older they think it gives them the right to treat younger people like crap and still expect to be respected afterwards.

42. Cyclists who block the roads in their groups, but also disobey the rules of the road, and yet when they do something stupid on the road they say drivers don't show them courtesy.

43. The dumb traffic cops that direct traffic here. Firstly they will have one side of an intersection waiting between 3 to 5 minutes straight before letting them go, causing a massive traffic jam. And they don't do it at an intersection with an accident in it or if the traffic lights are out, they love to do it by 4-way stops and traffic lights that are working perfectly fine and only during peak traffic hours.

44. Shops and banks that use the Xmas season to put trainees at the counters. The one time it was the middle of December and the bank had fresh new people working the counters but they weren't even ready to work unsupervised. So all these business owners are there to cash in December's income and some pipsqueak is processing everything at a snail's pace while the experienced person who knows what to do is standing behind them instructing them on what to do step-by-step. And also when it's the Xmas season and only 3 out of like 20 tills are open to serve customers.

45. Sales reps at kiosks/stands at the mall that try push their products on you. There was this one make-up stand at the mall by me and these guys would pester the shoppers and virtually shove their business card right into your face. One guy did that to me and had the card about an inch from my face. I grabbed his wrist and threatened the snap his arm if he did that to me again. But a lot of people got fed up with them and many would tell the reps straight to eff-off before they could even speak.

46. Sales/service people that don't take no for an answer the first time they approach me. I'm polite the first time, stern the second time and anything after that manners and civility go out the window and I tell that person exactly where they can shove that product

47. People that take forever to do simple tasks at tills, ATMs, etc.

48. Inquiring about something to a sales assistant at a store and they have no clue what you're talking about because the reality is they're borderline morons. And it's even worse while making the inquiry and you just get that blank expression that just tells you everything you're saying is not sinking in and this is a waste of time. I call it the brick wall expression.
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