Lost and Found

You are probably not alone Oz. First love is - like many other first emotional experiences - more impressive and more accutely felt.

Not exactly my very first GF but materially so, I was powerfully psychically linked to her for fully ten years. I’ve posted on the PNF about several episodes in that relationship. This deep connection was not necessarily by choice; this was just the depth of the connection. I have never felt anything like that since regardless of how I have tried nor where I have looked.

Nearly 20 years later - and a full year into my relationship with my current GF - my Ex asked me if we could try again. It took every calorie I had to clear my head and tell her “No”. It was so difficult because I missed the feelings I had...honestly, I missed the feeling much more than I missed her.

I must sound like a heel for sharing those details.
Wands I so appreciate your honesty and trust in us. As we get older and wiser we learn to listen to our heart but be led by the wisdom of the brain.