Life/Stress/Covid Support thread

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OK, folks. So we are looking at another 30 days in isolation/stay at home. We can do this! And those of us with medical backgrounds are truly not surprised. There is a curve to've all heard about flattening that curve. And as the numbers you hear increase, try not to freak. It's's just by how much those will increase before falling that is an unknown right now.

Best advice? Stay home. Unless you need groceries or meds, stay home. Even if you live in an area where there are few cases right now, stay home. It's the only way to stop this. Some friendly advice....try to keep your "shopping" for essentials down as much as you can this week. If you can do it in one trip, do so.

For some people the enormity of the situation is just starting to set in. Some of you are grieving the world as it was, and that is perfectly normal. You are NOT alone in that. And I want to add that it's OK to do so! Just don't let it overwhelm you. We will come out the other side of will take time. And yes, the world will be changed. Let's all pray that the good things that I have seen emerging from this pandemic stay with us as we come out the other side. We are relearning what is truly of value, how deep our faith is, and how we want to live our lives with new meaning. The worst of times will bring out the best in each of us if we allow it.

And for those of you out there on the front lines, you are our heroes.

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Thanks for the reminder, Debi and great drawing. These people are truly heros. When we come out of this, I WOULD like to see a monument recognizing their efforts.
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I felt better, but currently my lungs feel like I smoked 40 cigarettes and my head is full of mush. Wish me luck! I can breathe okay, but I just don't feel good at all. I've been checking the questions at the NHS Covid page and they have changed. It now says that unless you have a cough or a high temperature its probably not Covid-19. I suspect that's just to keep minor cases from tying them up. I can't tell about the temperature, but I'm not coughing. I'll call them tomorrow anyway. I expect to be on hold a lo-o-o-ong time. Wish me luck! Or health. That'd do it. It's not like there's much anybody can do though. I don't need a ventilator and there's no medicine for it, so I guess I'll just rest up and focus my mind.
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I felt better, but currently my lungs feel like I smoked 40 cigarettes and my head is full of mush. Wish me luck! I can breathe okay, but I just don't feel good at all. I've been checking the questions at the NHS Covid page and they have changed. It now says that unless you have a cough or a high temperature its probably not Covid-19. I can't tell about the temperature, but I'm not coughing. I'll call them tomorrow anyway. I expect to be on hold a lo-o-o-ong time. Wish me luck! Or health. That'd do it. It's not like there's much anybody can do though. I don't need a ventilator and there's no medicine for it, so I guess I'll just rest up and focus my mind.
Prayers to you, Ben. Try and keep fluids going in and get rest. Let us know how you're doing, please!
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