Let There Be Peace on Earth.....

Prayer, Positive Energy, donate or volunteer time where ever... I have two more

I JUST spent 24 hours I'll never get back forgetting them

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT NOT NOT feed into the fear-monger's and circular questioner's - REFUSE to be pulled into a discussion with this group... much less an argument. These Ones don't CARE about anything BUT hearing themselves talk and irritating you with their superior thinking. Just Don't.

Don't project YOUR views (even to yourself) into the Universe without SOLID, RESEARCHED, Critically thought about EVIDENCE that what you portend is a truth. I'm serious. I spent HOURS on an open-ended question with NO logical premise trying to PROVE it was a dang open-ended question... HOURS... He laughed, I grew muddled and REALLY negatively P*ssed. Don't. ;er
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