Introducing Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis

The live stream DM posted should work for you. I use tunin radio on my iPhone. I don't have a computer right now.
Thanks Dr Who. I actually live in KXL land, so the live version will be no problem. I am just wondering if I can download his show and listen to it later??
I've been a listener of Clyde's show for about a year now and he really is a nice guy. He covers a lot of topics and usually reports things before they become a topic on "other" shows. A very brilliant guy...and yes, he is edgier than the other shows but that's what makes it interesting.
I agree. I've been listening to the Ground Zero podcast for close to two years now, and I really enjoy Clyde's subjects most of the time. He occasionally throws a dud in there, but most of the time he manages to keep my interest. He can be a little abrasive sometimes, but that's usually in response to an idiot caller.