Internet Troubles

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Naked Apple

Anam Cara
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
It used to be that IE was unstable and Firefox and Chrome were better to use since they didn't crash as much. Lately, all the browsers seem to crash almost daily. Is it me, or is something going on? I wonder what part the government plays in all this if they are running some sort of program to crash browsers for when they want to take the internet down.

Today's question, are you also having trouble with the internet or accessing certain sites?
I've heard from several people that they are having similar issues, Nekki. Recently, I dealt with Century Link who had, and I quote, "A ghost in the matrix" that they couldn't find. They actually had me switch my DSN code to Google to go around this. I know Surge had an issue back then for awhile, too. Same provider.

Also, Clyde Lewis has had issues with his site being blocked for unknown reasons. Appears to me that since the great "net neutrality" thing, things have been changing in subtle ways. Not sure what's happening, but it appears SOMETHING is going on.
No problems for me, really, other than the CenturyLink-caused problem with not being able to connect to this site after Bob changed servers. The problem was intermittent, and without logic. I could connect one minute and not the next. Once Debi told me she was on CL also and having the same problem I was pretty sure it was a problem on their end.
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