If I had a hammer.....

If I had a hammer...I'd hammer in the morning! Ooops a Peter, Paul, and Mary flashback! Anyway, AND NOT with a chunk of homemade black powder on the face of it either. All told though I guess this is no dumber than the running of the bulls or those crazy people that chase cheese wheels down a steep hill. People, most often young men, seem to have a need to trod near to death in order to feel most alive. I bet that none of them were over 40 and very few over 30. I was not immune to this sort of idiocy and did things at least as stupid. Fortunately, I met my wife when I was 19 and she knocked some sense into my head and ended most of my stupidity. Young ladies don't seem to think the same way as the boys. The boys are doing most of this stuff to attract the attention of the ladies. Peacocks have big tail feathers, Bulls have big horns. Young men have stupidity...
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Today, tho,