I used to see and feel so many things for as long as i can remember and here's a few examples:

My parents told me that when i was very young i used to point at nothing and say "Grandma" (This i actually cant remember because i was to young) Even though she passed away a few months after i was born.

The things i do remember tho are things like doors opening and slamming shut, Being able to remember what my uncle was like and what he looked like even tho i never met or saw him before since he also passed away before i was born.

And this other time i remember being on holidays with my family and we were in this pretty old city and we walked past this building and i remember feeling very very bad when we walked past it like something really bad happened there and i told my family and after we were gone we looked it up and sure enough we found out it was a old boarding school and apparently kids used to get really abused there.

I also remember this one time i was playing hide and seek with my family in this forest area, so the seeker started counting and we all ran and split up and i went down this forrest path, after walking for a bit i turned around to see if the seeker was behind me but when i turned around again to keep walking i saw this very tall man in blue robes with a crown like thing on his head. It scared me so much i immediately ran back and started crying and while running away and looking behind me it was gone again.

Another thing i used to see alot wich actually always really terrified me is (and this is gonna sound weird) that i frequently saw a big and oversized pair of denim jeans and after doing a bit of research i found out my grandpa who also passed away used to wear the exact same jeans i always saw.

Now all these experiences happened between the age range of 3/4 to maybe 10/11 or something. Im 18 years old now and i dont ever have those experiences or anything even close to it anymore other then having the feeling that im not alone or someone's watching me but idk that could just be me or something. Im happy that i dont have those experiences anymore because it was honestly terrifying and im still very nervous when its dark or when im alone in the house etc because i know that SOMETHING is out there and maybe i could experience something like that any second again. BUT at the same time i kinda want it to come back because it really is something special and the idea of maybe being able to comunicate with them would really be amazing.

So if there's any medium or someone that really knows about this stuff etc has any idea on how to feel and see those things again please let me know :)
Welcome to the forum Ren. Let me say first of all communicating with unknown entities isn't a good idea as we never know their intentions which could be harmful to you. I've experienced these things for more than 50 years but the ability comes and goes for whatever reason. Lately I have been getting off track with it but then almost instantly it reappears. You may be trying too hard to see or experience this so you need to take a step back and just be happily aware and believe without doubting and it may return. Don't take a quick trip to the dark side because I'm telling you, you will regret it.
Welcome to the PNF Rendashin. If you truly are a sensitive, you will always have it. Granted during life you can become closed off to things, but it will never leave you fully. I agree with Oz about not communicating with these things. Where it may sound cool or amazing not being fully prepared or protected can spell a lot of trouble. When i was your age i went through the same 'closed off' phase mostly because other interests took the reins. There may be books that could help you focus your gifts if so choose (meditation etc). Meanwhile if any 'curious others' come around, best to tell them to leave. Being a sensitive can attract them for sure. If a deceased loved one comes to visit, many times they will come to visit you in dreams. Just always keep in mind there are 'things' out there that can and will deceive you into thinking otherwise. Focus, intent and protection are key.
Hi Ren, welcome aboard.
All I can do is relay my experience and it's similar. Up until the age of 12 ish, I knew that people were going to die soon. There would be a thought that comes to the forefront of the mind- " This is the last time I'm going to see Aunt .... " Happened enough that it's not coincidental.

2 main points -

Since then It is the same avenue to receive messages about the future. A thought comes to the forefront of the mind and push aside whatever I'm thinking or talking about. This is now accompanied by a twitch in my hand that is a signal that what I'm hearing is the truth. I had to develop understanding of that 2nd part.

The content changed and seems to be about keeping me out of danger, Don't go to that neighborhood , stay away from that person, Avoid ladders and steep roofs...
That also means that the future can be mitigated If I listen and heed the message. That imitigation s 2 fold. One - Doing nothing and don't go there. Two, Do a lot and pray in thanksgiving for the warning .

So the message in the forefront of the mind never went away but just changed topics. However around the same young age, my dream life clicked in. That became a wellspring of pre cognitive Information. That is a topic for another day. That's topic for another day And I can go on and on for hours.
The upshot of that is there is a universal dream language and also a private dream language that is unique to the person. By sheer amount of repetition I can discern between the 2.

Oz said something and you should take it to the bank. Don't go chasing ghosts.
I know somebody who went to an event with a psychic who speaks with the dead. She went home with an entity attached to her. It was a bad one and her and her family's life got really bad.

Welcome and I hope some of this helps you.
Welcome to the forum. I think most if not all little kids are open to the unseen, I believe because they have just come from God. You just have a good memory of it. If you are meant to have gifts of this nature it will make itself known, if not just move ahead with your life. Perhaps the memories are to spark your knowledge that the other side exists.
all the previous advice is spot on, dont go chasing the other side, if its part of you, it will always be there. you cant learn it from online teaching, you have to know and trust whos leading you, and they (should) have to know and trust you. everything about you,in order to guide you properly. read all you can, learn what you can, read this forum

Spirituality / MetaPhysics / OBE / NDE

lots there to give ya a start, just remember, what you are seeking may not be what you think it is... at your age emotions heavily come into play. not always a pleasant or easy journey. you first need to learn the very basics of abilities. and except what is.
Hey thank you all for your very helpfull advice! :) I know its a bad idea to go chase it etc and im not planning on doing so at all, im just really looking for awnsers like why did i have those experiences? Does it only happen to a very few 'special' people? Are they showing themselves to me because they choose to or was i just able to see them? Am i just going crazy and imagining all of it? To this day alot of times i still feel like someone or something is present or watching me but am i just imagining it and im just a very anxious/sensitive person in general or am i ACTUALLY feeling the presents of another being? etc etc. There are thousands of questions i have because it all seems so surreal to me and i have no idea where or how to find those awnsers and when i do find people who say they know are they really saying the truth? Idk im just really confused and those are just kind of the things im thinking about alot lately.
We all feel when someone is watching over us. Does that mean we are crazy? No. Regardless of who it may be, you know deep down it is someone close to you...regardless of if ever met them in life or not. It's the bad ones you can feel a different energy with that you have to be wary of. We may never have all the answers we seek through life. Perhaps when we ourselves pass on or through some divine intervention we get a glimpse into those answers we seek. It is something we can speculate on and give guidance, but eventually things (not all) will become clear.
Hey thank you all for your very helpfull advice! :) I know its a bad idea to go chase it etc and im not planning on doing so at all, im just really looking for awnsers like why did i have those experiences? Does it only happen to a very few 'special' people? Are they showing themselves to me because they choose to or was i just able to see them? Am i just going crazy and imagining all of it? To this day alot of times i still feel like someone or something is present or watching me but am i just imagining it and im just a very anxious/sensitive person in general or am i ACTUALLY feeling the presents of another being? etc etc. There are thousands of questions i have because it all seems so surreal to me and i have no idea where or how to find those awnsers and when i do find people who say they know are they really saying the truth? Idk im just really confused and those are just kind of the things im thinking about alot lately.
first, dont worry about any abilities, dont worry about contacting or exploring the boundaries of the veil. dont worry about what you may be able to do or see... just focus on yourself, look deep within who you are as a person. focus on how to be the person you are meant to be... know yourself before trying to know anymore...then grow from there