I have come across some very oddball people throughout my life. Love to hear about the ones you have encountered.


Tier-1 Mod
Feb 9, 2022
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New Jersey
Today i had the pleasure (no, not really lol) of working in Frantic City (Atlantic City to ones who aren't familiar with the reference) lol. I was changing lights on the boardwalk for a pizza place when i had a strange couple wander up to me and ask if i was selling my tools LOL. I politely said no, i need those to complete my job lol. So, the lady goes into an explanation of how instead, can she borrow my tools to remove her husbands tooth?!?! WHAT?! Sorry...you are not going to stick my tools into his mouth let alone as being quite 'used' who knows what has stuck to them. Wow.
A very strange bloke in my old town was forever borrowing things off me. I'm pretty friendly but after a few months i cracked. He came over and asked for a lend of my washing machine, he would take it and return it :rolleyes:. I yelled, while you are here do you want my sofa, tv, fridge or a lend of my wife as well? I grabbed his collar and marched him out. He came down a few days later with a pot of left over stew for my dog as a peace offering who ate the food then jumped and bit his nose. He never came back, lol.
I had a goofball neighbor that would bug the hell out of me. He was constantly messed up on something. I was on my side porch and i could hear this wacko mumbling as he stumbles around my front yard holding a cup of coffee. He rounded the corner of my house, tripping over the railroad tie of my driveway...coffee and him flying rofl. He actually had the nerve to ask me if i had coffee so he could refill the one he just spilled lol.
I worked with an older guy who was known for both being impatient and having a hair trigger temper. In the early 90s when we all got our own computers, he had a great deal of difficulty. I sat directly in front of him and would hear him often mumbling and cussing his computer.

One morning he lost it, and yelled, "F#@*ing computer!" Just at that instant I saw something go flying by my right ear, then heard a crash. It was the mouse he'd ripped out of his computer, threw and shattered it against the wall. He then walked out of the office.

He came back about fifteen minutes later. He asked me if I had the phone number for "the computer guys." He called them, and told them he needed a new mouse. I heard him say, "No, I don't know what happened to it, it's just not working."
I have been called "eccentric" by my boss; I suppose a lot of folks would call me "oddball".

I've known lots of angry people, sad people, frighteningly happy people, but not a lot of genuine "oddballs" who had their freedom, lol.
, "No, I don't know what happened to it, it's just not working."
LOL been there...done that. I found though depending on mouse, if you had a 'funky' mouse pad...it threw off the laser so didn't quite work the way you want/hoped it would lol. I remember going into Best Buy to buy a 'new' mouse and the poor girl looked terrified after i explained 'what happened' to previous one rofl. I am not a crazy person, but when gadgets don't work the way they are intended/advertised...feel bad for them lol.
I worked with an older guy who was known for both being impatient and having a hair trigger temper. In the early 90s when we all got our own computers, he had a great deal of difficulty. I sat directly in front of him and would hear him often mumbling and cussing his computer.

One morning he lost it, and yelled, "F#@*ing computer!" Just at that instant I saw something go flying by my right ear, then heard a crash. It was the mouse he'd ripped out of his computer, threw and shattered it against the wall. He then walked out of the office.

He came back about fifteen minutes later. He asked me if I had the phone number for "the computer guys." He called them, and told them he needed a new mouse. I heard him say, "No, I don't know what happened to it, it's just not working."
The follow up to this story began a few days later when I got a call to report to the division chief's office and to not let anyone know where I was going. When I got there, he told me to come in and close the door.

He began asking me about the flying mouse incident and the guy (we'll call him "Roger" here) in general. He was concerned about Roger's well known temper, and during our discussion he asked me if I knew if Roger owned a gun. When I said I didn't know, he asked me if, since I sat next to him, I could find out. I agreed.

A week or so later I casually mentioned to Roger a few friends and I were going to the gun range that weekend. I then asked if he liked to shoot, and if he had any guns. He replied, "No, I don't have any guns, but I do collect swords."

The next day I got on the division chief's calendar and told him what I'd found out. He looked a little disconcerted about the swords, but was viable relieved when I told him Roger did not own a gun. He thanked me for my sleuthing activities.

As I was leaving, I told him I wasn't personally concerned for my safety with Roger. When he asked why, I told him I knew for a fact there were at least three people in the office who I could out run. I said, "I don't have to outrun Roger, just the slowest person in the office." He was not amused.
The follow up to this story began a few days later when I got a call to report to the division chief's office and to not let anyone know where I was going. When I got there, he told me to come in and close the door.

He began asking me about the flying mouse incident and the guy (we'll call him "Roger" here) in general. He was concerned about Roger's well known temper, and during our discussion he asked me if I knew if Roger owned a gun. When I said I didn't know, he asked me if, since I sat next to him, I could find out. I agreed.

A week or so later I casually mentioned to Roger a few friends and I were going to the gun range that weekend. I then asked if he liked to shoot, and if he had any guns. He replied, "No, I don't have any guns, but I do collect swords."

The next day I got on the division chief's calendar and told him what I'd found out. He looked a little disconcerted about the swords, but was viable relieved when I told him Roger did not own a gun. He thanked me for my sleuthing activities.

As I was leaving, I told him I wasn't personally concerned for my safety with Roger. When he asked why, I told him I knew for a fact there were at least three people in the office who I could out run. I said, "I don't have to outrun Roger, just the slowest person in the office." He was not amused.
Best story ever ! Lol
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