Husband's Idea of Dog Grooming

LOL The mullet is BACK! OK, ladies, get out your know what comes next for us! Aqua Net shall return for the big hair!
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really??? of all the things to bring back from the 80's, this is it?.... why not actual music videos on MTV or actual good music over much more greatness from the 80's, why the mullet????. I hope womens shoulder pads aint poor dog.
really??? of all the things to bring back from the 80's, this is it?.... why not actual music videos on MTV or actual good music over much more greatness from the 80's, why the mullet????. I hope womens shoulder pads aint poor dog.
In Phoenix, AZ that mullets are in style again. My 19 year old grandson has one and a big bushy beard to go with it. :p The nephew that had a poodle with a corded "mullet" type hair cut has had a beard and wears plaid shirts (he is 41). That was about 10 years ago, the poodle died last year at the age of 15.