How do you handle...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
How do you handle being angry or mad? What do you do to deal with it and handle a situation? Do you yell or are you the quietly swallow that anger type?

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I don't yell but I put my point across 'firmly', I certainly don't bottle it up best to get it out there and move on
Exactly how I do things too. When I was young I was a quick temper. Now I’m smarter. It is far better to say your piece and move away from the argument.
Depends on the situation. If I am angry then I get over quickly. If I am experiencing rage, well it's best to just calm myself down. I don't get violent but if I was raging I could easily shout. I have only been raging a few times in my life and it usually had to do with someone putting our lives or safety in danger.
Like Laughing Gravy and Lynne said, I just state my piece and move on. Writing in my journal helps too. Sometimes when I am just frustrated with life in general, I watch a violent movie! I always feel better afterward.:imp:
You know, in my younger days I was a re-actor...not fearless, but fear was bred in me and at a very young age I learned to manifest fear into anger... fast and furious, and quite crazy. When I hit my 40's my kid's decided I needed to rein in and learn to meditate and mediate. So, we did that. Over the next ten years everyone and their cousin took advantage of my calm and cool which apparently was assumed to be weakness. While they were at it, they took advantage of 'mine' just because. So, we did that. By 55 I had acquired a whole new perspective. Righteous Indignation. From then to now, It is the quiet before the storm. No yelling, arguing, debasing, threats or warnings. You stay to your lane and I stay to mine. You cross the yellow line, mess with me or mine, bully, abuse, or in any other way, intentionally hurt an innocent in my presence... I will do my very best to see you the other side of hell. Or, you can run. Either way. I am 65 and ran hard my whole life. I am not big nor bad, but I have little if any patience left in me for 'finding a way to work it out'. Do right or be elsewhere. I have one good fight left in me and no fear of death. And, I am Righteously Indignant. Spiritually. As I watch humanity devolve. So. On the plus side, I have never held a grudge. :yum:
Welcome aboard, Darcy. Thanks for posting, interesting read, and I learned something.