Hearing Doorbell

Doorbell is definitely not ringing in the physical I work from home and my main area is right by the front door and it’s not loud enough while awake to be the real thing. On top of that it’s not the same sound my door bell makes! I have manifested my guides into my life and protect my self daily as I am a reader but I don’t read my self only ask for advice or energy of my day that’s about it. I feel something good is coming. The one thing I asked for is to find another person like me to talk to about this kind of stuff because it’s very hard to find people that understand! Although I AM so glad I found this forum

Our experiences are different. Mine occurs only when I'm asleep, and it is our doorbell I "hear." My wife could sleep through a carpet bombing raid, so even if the doorbell ringing was a true physical act, she'd not hear it.
It's still unclear to me in this scenario if the doorbell in one's home is actually ringing or if one only dreams hearing it? If it's the former, then the question becomes is it being rung by paranormal forces or prankster kids?
Good point Duke
Doorbell is definitely not ringing in the physical I work from home and my main area is right by the front door and it’s not loud enough while awake to be the real thing. On top of that it’s not the same sound my door bell makes! I have manifested my guides into my life and protect my self daily as I am a reader but I don’t read my self only ask for advice or energy of my day that’s about it. I feel something good is coming. The one thing I asked for is to find another person like me to talk to about this kind of stuff because it’s very hard to find people that understand! Although I AM so glad I found this forum
It seems Debi has given you validation then. We didn’t have much background on your post. Good luck with this and welcome.
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Tinnitus is very common in adults (about 50 million people in the US alone have some form of it) and can often sound like a bell or doorbell. Have you spoken to a doctor about it?
Tinnitus is very common in adults (about 50 million people in the US alone have some form of it) and can often sound like a bell or doorbell. Have you spoken to a doctor about it?
I didn’t know that it could sound like a doorbell. Thanks for the info.
Doorbell or phone ringing I often wake up thinking I have just missed one or the other. Seems to happen in blocks for some reason, then nothing for months.
We did also have kids doing this a while back. Recording cameras cured that - but not the phantom ones. Did see some wildlife though - cats mostly, but a hedgehog now and then.
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