Haunted HQ


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Officers at a police station in India say that they're forced to close their headquarters every night because it is haunted and no one wants to stay there. The building in question is located in the town of Jamshedpur and the spirits believed to be lurking inside have apparently been tormenting the cops who work there for months. Speaking to a local media outlet, one beleaguered official declared, "nothing appears fine here. We feel terrified all the time due to sudden fear."

The paranormal activity at the building has become so unsettling to the police department that they have been holding monthly prayer ceremonies and leaving offerings for the spirits in the hopes of placating them. However, the cops say that these efforts have failed to calm the restless ghosts which reportedly become particularly active late at night which has led to a rather strange predicament. "No one likes to stay at the police station at night and it is totally deserted by 11pm every day," one officer revealed.

As to where these spirits may have come from, the police department actually has an answer for that and it should sound familiar with ghost lore or urban legends. According to one officer, the building was built on a site that had previously been used by the village cremations. As such, the cops suspect that the paranormal activity is derived from spirits that somehow still linger at the location, leaving one officer to lament that "our police station is in the grip of ghosts." One can only hope that their story making its way into the media will not result in a crime wave hitting Jamshedpur now that residents know that there are no police officers on duty every night.
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Nobody thought to get a catholic priest?
BEing it's in India, perhaps not!

Our parish currently has an Indian priest staying at our rectory while working on an advanced degree. The first time he said Mass, he talked about the RC church in India during his homily. According to him, there are 20 million Indian Catholics, with no persecution. Who knew?
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Our parish currently has an Indian priest staying at our rectory while working on an advanced degree. The first time he said Mass, he talked about the RC church in India during his homily. According to him, there are 20 million Indian Catholics, with no persecution. Who knew?
It’s the same with Jews in India. Tons of Jews there and they haven’t been harassed since a centuries old treaty was made. I guess they have a live and let live policy and honour the terms.
spirits believed to be lurking inside have apparently been tormenting the cops
I know one way they might be able to stop it. Maybe if the C.O and the guards confess to some evil acts the spirits will move on.

People that hold power over inmates tend to get a sense of god-like (Elusions of grandeur) and it opens up a dark side inside them. I have seen this in authority figures, they become as evil as the people convicted after spending so much time around them.
Nobody thought to get a catholic priest?

BEing it's in India, perhaps not!

While there are priests there, there is a lot that is not very clear from the article. For starters, even in Hinduism they have some clerics who can supposedly deal with this type of thing and they haven't mentioned anything that alludes to their having tried anything along these lines. Another thing is that Churches/Catholic population might be concentrated in areas outside of where this occurred. I know that there are Catholic populations around the south. This happened more toward the North/West area so I would guess that the Catholic clergy there may not be as easily accessible, and even then my impression is that finding someone who can perform exorcisms is a separate issue.

Anecdotally I've known of Hindus to seek blessings from Muslims for issues that they suspect to be rooted in the paranormal and will get something like blessed water (or possibly other items), which they would use to mitigate/resolve said problems.
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I’m waiting for the video :D
Seriously all kidding aside , I wish they’d describe what is actually happening.