Hadron Stargate


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Show just started and already I'm scared of what I'm hearing!

CERN reportedly saw a power spike which alarmed them into doing what is called a priority beam dump on both sides. This happened two hours ahead of the Nepal quake.

The LHC is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago.

That is its job on a practical and logical level.

On May 2nd, 2015 there was a strange statement that was made by Top physicist Albert De Roeck, a staff member at CERN and a professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium and UC Davis, California.

He said quote:

“It will take only one significant deviation in the data to change everything,” De Roeck said. “The upgraded machine works. Now we have to get to the real operation for physics.” But work remains to be done. One issue the accelerator physicists remain cautiously aware of, he said, is an “Unidentified Lying Object” in the beam pipe of the LHC’s 17-mile underground tunnel, a vacuum tube where proton beams collide and scatter particles that scientists then analyze for keys to unlock the mysteries of the Big Bang and the cosmos.

The unidentified lying object turns out not to be a problem for the operation, it’s just something to keep an eye on,” De Roeck said. “It’s in the vacuum tube and it’s not a problem if it doesn’t move and remains stable.”

Ironic that he says it’s “something to keep an eye on” when in reality that is not only impossible but it would have profound effects on a quantum level. For you see, the mere observation of this object will collapse it into reality, whereas, by removing all observation the scientists are allowing for something known as Supersymentry or Superposition.

In simple terms, if that is possible, what this means is that this “object”, whilst remaining sealed in the vacuum in the pipe, free from prying eyes, is able to be in a state where it’s both here and in another “dimension”.

Cue the dead cat story by Schrödinger.

This is what happens at the quantum level, things don’t exactly work the way you might expect them too.

Hypothetically this may well be one of these conduits, or portals, that we have speculated for some time is the main goal of the experiments at CERN.

If this is hard to swallow then perhaps we can give you the benefits of the particle accelerator—something beyond the idea that something dimensionally living or dead is n a vacuum tube at CERN.


Ohhhh, it just gets worse from there. Take a few minutes....read the entire article. Scare yourself to death.
Everytime that I see this thread, I think it says Hardon Stargate. :astonished:
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Aaaand into the gutter we go again......
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