Open Lines Government to provide your income.


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies

Hmmm... if robots are doing all the work, who is going to be paying the taxes the government will need to support all of us? The logical answer is the businesses who own the robots doing all the work, but the reality is that big business is already adept at tax-avoidance, and once their profits grow because they aren't having to pay a workforce they will get even better at avoiding taxes. They sure as heck aren't going to turn philanthropic just because people are hungry!
Our only hope is to be the slaves of the robots. They will need someone to help fix them, so anyone with techie powers will eat. The rest of us who are hopeless with tech will starve. I better start stocking up now, cuz it just took me all day to get my laptop to refresh and allow me access to it's fussy little self. Need to reload Chrome and I'm almost afraid to. Darn laptop may not be in the "mood". :rolleyes: Yup...I'm doomed.
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