God walking in the clouds?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

An Alabama woman filming an oncoming storm captured a strange anomaly in the sky which some observers believe could be God walking among the clouds! Solo Dolo of Tuscaloosa took to Facebook Live to show her friends the menacing looking weather that was about to hit her community. Noting that her neighborhood had already lost their electricity, she pointed her camera to a hole in the clouds and proclaimed "that's who's got the power, right there."

After Dolo posted the video to her Facebook account, viewers quickly pointed out that her proverbial 'shout out to the man upstairs' may have actually received a response. In the footage, an odd figure, of sorts, can be seen seemingly walking across the bright patch of sky. Considering her previously stated reverence for the Lord, Dolo had no doubt as to the nature of the eerie apparition, writing "to see this is to believe this."

Whether they are believing it or not remains to be seen, but many people have seen the oddity in the video as it has amassed an astounding 1.3 million viewers in just a few days. Per usual, reactions run the gamut from those who think it is a genuine sign from God to more skeptical observers who point to more prosaic possibilities such as that the 'apparition' is just a weird weather effect. What's your take on the footage?
why would God be walking around Alabama?
I don’t aee anything but a slight shadow. Maybe I need a bigger screen ?