First remembered paranormal experience.

No. But I am colorful. :rolleyes:

Actually, I am a student. For some reason that I can't remember now and at this moment regret, when I turned 56 I thought it would be a good idea to return to school for a BS in Business (which was random... in fact the whole idea was random). Nine long years later I am a senior with a Quantitative Calculus class standing between me and my degree. This is the third time I have tried to pass this class and it is really... bleep, bleep, bleep, bleeping... me off. In fact, that is where I should be right now, but I am rebelling.

My heritage is Comanche and Cherokee with a smattering of German. I think that is where I get my love of Telling the Tale. Oral tradition is the only thing that could not be erased/stolen from the records of Indigenous People's. And while I am at this time, un-assimulated by choice, the need to tell an important story the right way must be inherent in my DNA. Then there is the spending 32 years in the back woods of Arkansas thing, where next to music the Telling of Stories is extremely high in priority.

There are 3 reasons I decided to join this particular Forum after spending more than a little time searching and more time wandering through these halls.

First, Paranormal Forum is HIGHLY protected by The Light. It resonates. This means that the possibility of a malicious troll or other entering, much less staying here, is very low. That is a big deal to me.

Next, I do have an important story to share. And it has to be done in the right way because it is not for me, but for all those who Walked with me and those yet to come and far more importantly... For The Light. I am getting no younger here.

Last but Just as important, are your stories. The stories told on this Forum. Each of your story's are as important as any other. It brings me great comfort to sit around this fire and listen to them.

I can't promise you that I can change how I speak, but I can promise you that I won't lie to you. I can promise that I will not speak from ego. I can promise that I will keep your stories safe. I also will try not to make you all sludge through to many "why, back in my day" posts. I am just having trouble finding the correct Point A to connect with the rest of the story, which quite frankly, I never expected to tell.

Pinky swear.

In this light, the image attached is me. So that you can better know I am not messing with you.

View attachment 15333
The darkness cannot hide in this light and we fight it when we are away it will never change. Darkness will always be in our lives but on this forum, we hold no quarter. Sanctuary will always be here.
Thank you for sharing your strength with us.
I appreciate all of you and your Words and Blessings. I love to just come and play and not feel pressure to speak or not speak. There is an incredible amount of Spiritual Energy both Light and dark that come's when I tell these Tales/Truths. And truthfully, I am usually 'met at the door' before even beginning. I spend so much time challenging and warring that I am exhausted and sad... and Walk away. People/Human's have to WANT to/be receptive to listening. There is not a demand/edit to believe, just a Prayer to hear. This has been a very long Journey. In my younger day's I could fight for days and re-charge in hours. Now, each time take's longer to uhmm... return to this Now. Spiritually, emotionally and oh man, Physically. I almost have to 'sneak under the radar' which of course is not possible for longer then a second, to even begin... Don't get me wrong. I absolutely know how incredibly Blessed I have been... As Debi said 'I think', Child of Grace. Grace, what an extraordinary Gift to/for a screw up like me. It put's me to my knee's. But still, even with all these Gifts and Blessings and Redemption's of The Light I have been handed, I am human and I am aging hard and there is still fear of that Crossing. I mean, I have done some screwed up stuff and walked some dark Path's in this lifetime. Separation from The Light is UNTHINKABLE to me... That is FEAR for me. Atonement is called for and accepted, so whatever happens in this Crossing I know it is on me. I can only hope I re-paid some of that debt, if clumsily. Landing here show's me that The Light is still with me. I am very grateful. Cr*p on a cupcake, you see? I don't know how I came to this state of conversation. Sorry guys.
I appreciate all of you and your Words and Blessings. I love to just come and play and not feel pressure to speak or not speak. There is an incredible amount of Spiritual Energy both Light and dark that come's when I tell these Tales/Truths. And truthfully, I am usually 'met at the door' before even beginning. I spend so much time challenging and warring that I am exhausted and sad... and Walk away. People/Human's have to WANT to/be receptive to listening. There is not a demand/edit to believe, just a Prayer to hear. This has been a very long Journey. In my younger day's I could fight for days and re-charge in hours. Now, each time take's longer to uhmm... return to this Now. Spiritually, emotionally and oh man, Physically. I almost have to 'sneak under the radar' which of course is not possible for longer then a second, to even begin... Don't get me wrong. I absolutely know how incredibly Blessed I have been... As Debi said 'I think', Child of Grace. Grace, what an extraordinary Gift to/for a screw up like me. It put's me to my knee's. But still, even with all these Gifts and Blessings and Redemption's of The Light I have been handed, I am human and I am aging hard and there is still fear of that Crossing. I mean, I have done some screwed up stuff and walked some dark Path's in this lifetime. Separation from The Light is UNTHINKABLE to me... That is FEAR for me. Atonement is called for and accepted, so whatever happens in this Crossing I know it is on me. I can only hope I re-paid some of that debt, if clumsily. Landing here show's me that The Light is still with me. I am very grateful. Cr*p on a cupcake, you see? I don't know how I came to this state of conversation. Sorry guys.
We all have moments when we fear that death will bring us to judgment. Nobody will stand clean. It’s the mercy of the creator we will have to rely on. My faith is in JESUS my hope is in forgiveness because of his sacrifice. I don’t know what other faiths do with their sin, but I believe in a merciful God. Peace be with you Darcy.
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You wouldn't happen to know how to say love and hi in Cherokee would you? Think I have an Indian spirit here on the Ohio river below us. He said a word to me first night but I can't or didn't know what it meant. I was learning some Cherokee online. It's neat Indian language. Welcome, Darcy.

I specifically came back here to address this boo. Which is why I came the first time and then I got wrapped up and side-tracked and forgot. I apologize.

I do not know Cherokee although I know many Cherokee's. I love to listen to the conversations because they seem more lyrical then most language's... almost musical. I do know some Cheyenne and a very little Sioux. You don't say why you think this might be Cherokee, but if you can remember the word/s or something close... and spell them phonetically here, I might can recognize or ask other's if they recognize... for you.

We all have moments when we fear that death will bring us to judgment. Nobody will stand clean. It’s the mercy of the creator we will have to rely on. My faith is in JESUS my hope is in forgiveness because of his sacrifice. I don’t know what other faiths do with their sin, but I believe in a merciful God. Peace be with you Darcy.

Christ. I Walked into this world with him and I will Walk out of this world with him. It is THIS bond that make's me humbled and embarrassed and ashamed to have let down that Light. Ever.
I appreciate all of you and your Words and Blessings. I love to just come and play and not feel pressure to speak or not speak. There is an incredible amount of Spiritual Energy both Light and dark that come's when I tell these Tales/Truths. And truthfully, I am usually 'met at the door' before even beginning. I spend so much time challenging and warring that I am exhausted and sad... and Walk away. People/Human's have to WANT to/be receptive to listening. There is not a demand/edit to believe, just a Prayer to hear. This has been a very long Journey. In my younger day's I could fight for days and re-charge in hours. Now, each time take's longer to uhmm... return to this Now. Spiritually, emotionally and oh man, Physically. I almost have to 'sneak under the radar' which of course is not possible for longer then a second, to even begin... Don't get me wrong. I absolutely know how incredibly Blessed I have been... As Debi said 'I think', Child of Grace. Grace, what an extraordinary Gift to/for a screw up like me. It put's me to my knee's. But still, even with all these Gifts and Blessings and Redemption's of The Light I have been handed, I am human and I am aging hard and there is still fear of that Crossing. I mean, I have done some screwed up stuff and walked some dark Path's in this lifetime. Separation from The Light is UNTHINKABLE to me... That is FEAR for me. Atonement is called for and accepted, so whatever happens in this Crossing I know it is on me. I can only hope I re-paid some of that debt, if clumsily. Landing here show's me that The Light is still with me. I am very grateful. Cr*p on a cupcake, you see? I don't know how I came to this state of conversation. Sorry guys.
Something to keep in mind: bad people never worry about their actions or look inside to make sure they're trying to walk an upright path. As long as you have that within you, you're not lost. It's only when you give in to hubris and think you're above it all that you're treading a doomed path.
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