Falling down the rabbit hole...of videos.

Recently, I've found myself falling down the rabbit hole of short videos on Facebook.
Not one to normally watch these, I suddenly found myself experiencing lost time after being sucked into the experience of one video after another. Heck, I didn't even have to pick other than the first one and they just kept coming on an automatic feed! :eek:

It all started with a dog video, and then the cats showed up, then a fainting goat... a guy saved a puppy off a highway on his motorcycle, another motorcycle rounded up a runaway horse. Next thing I know it's an hour later and some man in Africa is fishing a lion out of a river. o_O It's like being swallowed by a black hole!

So! What gets your attention out there and sucks you right in? (Excuse me now while I rescue my husband who has has disappeared down the well of "how it's made" vids.)

Well, it seems I love a good animal rescue video like you, Debi! :blush:
YouTube is my go-to for videos on history, science, paranormal strangeness and anything else that pops up that's interesting - it helps me to sleep at night.
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