Expression, phrase or idiom...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Name an expression, phrase, or idiom that drives you crazy.

One I use and then cringe is "Back in the day..."

Watcha got?

What annoys you most?
Low Hanging Fruit--This expression, meaning doing what was easiest or most readily achievable, became very popular in the DoD back in the 80s. Drove me up the wall.

Reach(ed) out--A currently common expression, particularly in the business world, meaning you've contacted someone, usually to ask for some input or action on their part. Twenty years ago, we'd have simply said we called, emailed, wrote, etc. someone.

People who start sentences with "so." I hear it routinely during interviews on C2C and other talk shows, usually in response to a question by the host.
"If I could only......"

As human beings, we are amazing (sometimes.... other times we can be complete assholes, especially where the care of our planet is concerned). We have the capability of free thought, speech, the ability to learn technical skills amongst other things that make us a unique species.

We are all capable of achieving anything we want to if we only put our minds to it and give the task at hand our full dedication. The problem with some people is that they are just too lazy, or it is an 'inconvenience' for them.

If you want something, anything, grab the bull by the horns, get off your ass and do what you need to do to achieve your goals and do not just sit there moaning that you don't or can't have something when you haven't even tried and given it your all.
"So" (As the first word in every sentence. When did this crap start?)
Guilty of use. It started for me as my husband is very hard of hearing and refuses to use hearing aids. I started using "Soooo" to get his attention before I started a sentence and he could turn down the TV and face me to read lips better. This then has transferred over into my writing on occasion. I shall try to watch it here! lol
"At this point in time." Why not just say at this time? It means the same darned thing. And I don't know why, but the word "App" drives me crazy. Why not say application? It sounds better. We have so many beautiful words in our language, and they are being slaughtered, lol. Also, I get irritated when people post things like blogs, riddled with typos that they are too careless to fix before publishing.
I get irritated when people post things like blogs, riddled with typos that they are too careless to fix before publishing.

Poor spelling irritates me as well. I went to Catholic school for the first 9 years and studied under nuns who didn't tolerate bad spelling, grammar, or penmanship. Woe be unto any student who was a habitual poor speller. The worst are probably buried behind the school in unmarked graves. ;)

I don't always get things spelled correctly, especially if in a hurry, but I do give it my best effort.

Just the sight of a nun still strikes fear into my heart.