Experiencing Others Perception of Reality

Aces, as an empath and telepath, I can expect that this kind of phenomena is possible; and, I can accept Debi’s supposed tag of mediumship as well. Though my own empathic experiences seem to be limited to feeling other people’s emotions or physical pains, I can imagine that “seeing” from another person’s view could be a reasonable extension of your empathy.

The thing I want to share - and support Debi’s suggestion of same - is grounding or shielding as a preventative measure. Once I learned techniques for both, I found that I was no longer feeling out of control. I’m not comfortable suggesting that anyone live their entire day “shielded up”, but grounding/shielding before going out into the public is reasonable. I know that psychic perception is not limited by distance, but local proximity does seem to increase receipt/perception. Hence again, grounding/shielding before a public outing should not be a bad thing.

Editing to insert...: Reminder that if you draw or borrow grounding/shielding energy from a source outside yourself, please be certain to let it go once you no longer need it. It is not only a respectful and responsible practice, but carrying around foreign energies for too long can have its own side effects.