ECETI videos

Good videos, but anything Jimmy Church is connected with I'm automatically highly skeptical. He's a capable on-air interviewer, but not real creditable.
Good videos, but anything Jimmy Church is connected with I'm automatically highly skeptical. He's a capable on-air interviewer, but not real creditable.
I hear you on Jimmy, but I've followed a lot of the ECETI stuff over the years, and with other credible videos. I have to say I feel there is something happening on that mountain, Duke. Too many honest sightings out there with no good explanations.
You might be right, not doubting there are sites through out the world that seem to have more than their share of strange or unexplained phenomena. Church, however, has shown me he is a flim flam artist. Not that the genre isn't chock full of them, even Bell admitted to his shenanigans, but Church I personally caught pulling a scam. He's done some great interviews, but....
You are preaching to the choir on Jimmy. I call him the used car salesman of paranormal talk.

As for the location, several other hosts and researchers have been out there and had similar sightings. Enough evidence to convince me of the activity.