Ebay Haunted Doll


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

I have been a vintage collector for many years but I also have been collection some very paranormal items. Items dating back over 100 years ago beautiful items some with wonderful history behind them. I have decided it is time I thin out the collection my paranormal items have created a rift between my life outside the paranormal and I think its time I start living with the living and not the dead. So here I am selling some of my most cherished items things I have worked very hard to come across from actions to paranormal hauntings in homes. Each and every one of my items are vintage and very beautiful items worth something without the spirits that are attached to them.

I can only state what it is I saw and felt when I was with the items I am by no means able to speak or see the dead as some can but I do know what I see and hear and what my experiences are.

This is a doll I came across during one of my trips to the freak show down in South Carolina back in 1985. This doll caught my eye not only from the way it looked but for the way it moved. This is Michael the spirit of a ventriloquist who once used this doll in his act. Michael was very well known in South Carolina for his act some called is magic. He could seemingly speak with his doll and yet never move his mouth. Michael only had one problem he was schizophrenic and the voices in his mind told him to do things. Michael was arrested in 1976 for kidnapping a child from the fair. He says he was only going to take the child to see the Elephants but evidence showed otherwise. Michael was the prime suspect of 20 missing children 5 of whom came up missing at the fair. The story becomes strange when 5 years after Michael died all 20 children mysteriously came back as if they had never gone missing. It is said they seemingly never aged and appeared to have been frozen in time.
The fair kept Michael's doll as a tribute to his honor and extraordinary talent. Soon after they set the doll on display people started to notice the strange occurrences that seemed to happen around the doll. The night guard said he heard the voice of a man coming from the room the doll was in and when he entered the room the doll was out of its case and sitting on stage.
Soon more and more people started to talk about the haunted doll. It was said once a little girl became mesmerised by the doll and no one could breakthrough to her for 4 hours until suddenly she dropped to the floor laughing. Another claimed they witnessed the doll floating in mid air it's mouth open and closed to a song mysteriously playing from nothing. Many claims have been made from this doll and all intrigued my interest. Soon I found myself wanting nothing more than this extraordinary doll and I would pay anything to get my hands on it.
After much persuasion and a very large sum or cash I was able to call this doll my own. I took him home with me and immediately began my research. We started with the EMF reader and things began to go crazy right off the bat. Soon my paranormal experience began and this truly was miraculous. On the 7th night we did a full 24-hour surveillance. I started with questions over the Spirit box and was immediately greeted with responses. After 4 hours the energy levels went up and Michael began to vibrate. His mouth that is broken and apparently had been for some years started to open and close to the voice over the Spirit box. At 10 hrs the real activity began and I can truly say this is the most activity I have seen in my entire life from one spirit.
The doll levitated in front of my eyes and the room began to vibrate like electricity. My ears felt funny and the voice over the Spirit box became ever so clear. I was never once afraid and felt nothing but bliss. I know he was meaning me no harm only wanted to show me what he could do. After that we had 100s of investigators at our door wanting to meet the infamous ventriloquist Spirit doll. It has been a long time now and as I sadly clear out my collection I now say goodbye to my greatest Triumph and hope this spirit can bring what it gave to me to another

Haunted doll very rare and very active | eBay